~Chapter 5~ The Rose Festival

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Season 1

At the festival, I saw my mom and walked over to her. "Hey, Mo-" I started but just stopped by seeing how beautiful my mom was. She had a red rose behind her left ear. And of course, I couldn't stop looking at her blue eyes. "Kia?" Mom asked. "Oh, sorry. You look so beautiful!" I managed to say amazed. Mom chuckled and nuzzled me. "You do, too, princess." Mom said as she was nuzzling me. Then Dad ran over and said, "OK, everyone! On your BEST behavior! My- I mean, YOUR future king and husband awaits you!" Mom and I looked at each other, raised our eyebrows, then laughed. Then I saw two adult lions walking over. They were from our pride. And then I saw... a cub. And I had no doubt it was my "future husband". I chuckled nervously a bit. "Hello, Your Majesties. This is my wife Tonia and my son, Auni." The lion said. His name was Aazar. I scoffed. Then Dad nudged me. He gave me a "don't start" look. I smiled at them all. Dad whispered to me, "Too wide," I smiled a bit smaller. "You know, just... just don't smile at all." Dad said. I sighed looking down. My mom looked at me and smiled. She mouthed, "It's okay," "Hello, Princess Kia," Auni said. All I did was smile at him. "Kia, how about you and Auni hang out while the grownups talk about... stuff." Mom said. "OK, Mom," I said walking away. "Follow me, Auni," I said. Auni had a gold-like coat along with a reddish orange hair tuft. His tail tuft was also that color. His eyes were teal greenish. His underbelly, paws, eye shades, and muzzle were vanilla colored. His nose was pink.

"So what do you think?" Auni asked. "About what?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "About me," Auni said smirking. I perked my ears up. Was he trying to flirt? "Well... uh... you'r... um...-" I started as I hoped a miracle would happen. And it did! Adira came over with a lei around her neck. "Hey, Kia, is-" She started then saw Uni. "Oh... I can see you're... busy." Adira said. I blushed a bit as my eyes widened. But I wasn't smiling. I was frowning as I blushed. Auni wasn't really that cute. He was just a flirt. "No, you can have him all to yourself. Because I... uh, need to get some water." I said running away. Auni watched me leave and then told Adira, "She's beautiful," Adira chuckled and said, "She gets it from her mother."

As I was running away, I knocked into my mom. "Oh, Kia, is everything all right?" She asked. "Yes, everything's fine, Mother. Just a little energetic, heh." I lied. "OK, well if you've had enough of Auni, your friends are over there" Mom said. I chuckled at what she said then replied, "They're not exactly my friends. But it would be nice to see some faces that aren't Auni's." I said. Mom laughed then rubbed my head.

A few hours later, the moon started to come up. Mom offered to walk me home. Dad was busy doing something with Aazar and Tonia. As we were walking, I looked at the meadow that looked like it was blue, a blue moon, and blue crystally water. I sat down by the lake and thought with my ears down. Mom noticed this and walked over to me. She sat down by me. "What are you thinking about?" She asked with a smooth calm voice. "Auni," I answered. "Ohhhh, Auni," Mom teased. I looked up at her and shook my head. "No, not like that. He's not what I thought he'd be. I-I don't really like him." I admitted. Mom had a sad but understanding look on her face. "You know, Kia, when I met your father... I wasn't betrothed to him." Mom said standing up. "You weren't?" I asked with a gasping surprised voice. "No. Your father was betrothed to another lioness." Mom said. "But the rules... then how did you two...-?" I started then Mom cut me off by explaining, "Your father didn't love her though. One day he met me and fought for his rights which was marrying me." "Dad... broke the rules... for you...?" I said surprised but in a calm way. "Mhm," Mom nodded her head softly. I nuzzled Mom and looked at our reflection in the crystal blue lake. I gasped then nuzzled her more and rested my head on her chest. "I'm glad he chose you instead of her." I smiled. Mom smiled and looked down at me. I watched as her blue eyes gleamed in the water reflection. I hoped to one day grow up to be as beautiful as that. Even though I looked just like my mother, I didn't believe I was a pretty as her.

Well that's it, ya'll! Goodnight!

Kia's voice as a cub: Shahadi Wright Joseph (she voiced baby Nala in the Lion King 2019 remake)

Queen Kamaria's voice: Miki Yamashita (Nirmala from the Lion Guard)

King Kazija's voice: Lou Diamond Phillips (Surak from the Lion Guard)

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