~Chapter 24~ Christmas Pt. 5

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As I walked back home to South Rock, I looked at my father who was sitting on the edge as usual. "Come on, guys," I said to the Lion Guard as I walked up to my dad. "Hi, Dad," I smiled. "Kia. Hello." Dad said. "Have you taken Crystal back home?" He asked. "Well, about that..." I started. "Yes?" Dad said with a raised eyebrow. "It seems she's having a bit of a... family problem back home. So I was wondering if she could stay with us for a while." I said with a smile. "You want me to welcome a snow leopard into the Southlands?" Dad asked raising his eyebrow again. "Just until we figure something out!" I said trying to get my way. Well it was more like Crystal's way. I was just helping her out. Dad looked down thinking. "Besides, African leopards are welcome here." I said. "That's because they are AFRICAN leopards. Not snow leopards. How could she survive this heat anyway, it's way too hot." Dad protested. I looked at Crystal. "I can handle it, Your Majesty. I know how to take care of myself. Besides, right now it's snowing in the Southlands. And if I get too hot I'll return to the Snow Empire immediately." Crystal said. I looked at my dad and mouthed 'please'. My dad thought for a second then said, "She can stay on one condition." "Anything," Crystal said. "Kabira and the rest of you need to keep an eye on her for a while, she must respect the circle of life, and she must not over hunt." Dad said. "That's actually three conditions.. but OK. I promise. The Lion Guard will watch her in random parts of the day just until we can fully trust her." I said. Dad nodded in approval then asked me, "So tell me, how did you make it though that winter?" I was a little shocked when Dad asked me that question. I kind of lowered my ears and said, "I asked a friend who could handle the winter to help me and the Lion Guard take Crystal back to the Snow Empire." "A friend? Who?" Dad asked. ".......Bakari..." I said. "BAKARI!?! Keres's son!?!" Dad scolded. "I'm sorry but you told me that I could ask someone for help! And I did!" I said. "No, YOU said you knew who could help. I didn't even ask who!" "I'm sorry, Dad, but we got Crystal back to her home like you wanted. That's the thing that matters." I said. "Only you didn't! Apparently her family doesn't want her!" Dad said. My eyes widened in shock and Crystal looked down sadly. "I'm sure her family wants her!" Kesi said. "Me, too," Asha said. "Kia, I thought that I could trust you. I thought I could trust that you would make the right decisions as you continue walking on the path to becoming queen. But apparently you're still the same young lion cub who plays tag with her friends." Dad said as he walked away. Once he said that last sentence, I stood there devastated. Mom gasped then said as she walked after him, "Kazija!" I looked down lowering my ears. "It's gonna be okay, Kia." Asha said putting her paw on my shoulder. "No, it's not!" I said. I sighed and then managed to say, "Kabira... find the coldest place for Crystal." I then walked away into the den of South Rock. "But... this is the savanna... How is that possible..?" Kabira asked, raising her eyebrow in confusion. "Come on, Kabira, the Northlands is the coldest land in the savanna. You and I can take Crystal to the end of the Southlands. She'll be safe there." Kesi said walking off as she and Kabira led Crystal to the end of the Southlands. I was still thinking about what Dad said to me about being the same lion cub who plays tag with her friends. I tried to hold in the tears as I walked off.

~In the Northlands...~

"Aww, tears already? Honey, we haven't even BEGUN the cause of sadness yet." Keres said laughing evilly from a tall tree in the Northlands as she was spying on me. Bakari walked over to his mom and Keres grinned, "Well done, Bakari," "What was the point of that anyway? All I had to do was help her get her leopard friend into the Snow Empire. That's all." Bakari said. "Oh, Bakari, you did much more. You made a deal. With the future queen, no less. Which means when you ask her for something, she has to do it." Keres said. "Where are you going with this?" Bakari asked raising his eyebrow. "Oh, you'll know in the future, my son. Now run along. It's getting dark." Keres said. Bakari lowly growled then walked off slowly.

~On South Rock~

I was laying in the den of South Rock depressed. Mom laid down by me to comfort me. "Oh, sweetie. You know he didn't mean what he said." Mom said looking down at me. "I was just trying to help the Southlands." I said. "I know, and you did!" Mom said. "Your father sees you as a bold and proud queen who must do everything right. But you are free to make your own decisions." Mom added. "Just out of curiosity, so if I didn't want to be queen... I wouldn't have to be?" I asked. But Mom was already gone. I sighed and laid my head on a rock then soon fell asleep.

Love y'all! Thanks for reading! Please don't be afraid to comment if you have ideas for the story! Do you guys think Kia will have second thoughts about being queen of the Southlands? And what do you think Keres's sneaky plan is? Guess down in the comments! And for all of you who haven't read my other stories, they're called: "Pup Star: The New Pup Star", "Pup Star: The New Pup Star 2: Roses and Lilies", and "The Lion Guard: The Search for the Roar of Light". (The Lion Guard story has the most views) Bye for now, lovies!

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