~Chapter 32~ The Tree of Life Pt. 2

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Season 2 - Special

~That same night~

"Come on, Lion Guard. In here." Aasira said. We went into an entrance to the... Tree of Life!! Sorry, I'm still kinda obsessing.

~Inside the Tree of Life~

When we walked further into the Tree of Life, we all saw two lions standing before us, along with a female mandrill. "Mother, Father, this is the Lion Guard. They have come to the Tree of Life with a lioness who appears to be their friend. Her name is Adira and she's the one in need of the Tree of Life's powers. She needs healing. That's Kia, Asha, Naju, Kesi, and Kabira." Aasira smiled. She bowed down to the lion and lioness and we all did the same. The lioness nodded and replied, "Welcome, Kia. Or should I say, princess Kia?" The lioness smirked. "How do you know I'm a princess?" I asked her a little interested. "Please. You have the Mark of the Guard. Which means, you are from the Southlands and you have traveled a long way. It also gives away that you are the first-born of the king and queen of the Southlands. Which means, you are the destined fierce leader of the Lion Guard. The Night Pride is something like that. Only, the Night Pride is a fighting team of four lions instead of five. I have a feeling you two groups would work really well together. It's a shame you can't stay longer. But I assume you have bigger responsibilities back in the Southlands than to help with a job here that has already been done." The lioness said.

(Wow, those were a lot of sentences for the queen, lol)

"Kia, this is Queen Penda. And that's my father, King Cortez." Aasira explained. She said way shorter lines than Queen Penda did. "I hope you'll make yourself at home during the short time you'll be here." King Cortez said. I smiled at him and Aasira noticed this so she said, "Uh, Dad? About that healing?" "Oh! Right! Penda?" King Cortez said replied, looking at the queen. The queen nodded and she said looking over at Adira, "Dear? Shall we?" Adira smiled small and weakly walked over to her. She sat down and looked up at the queen. Queen Penda looked down at her and smiled. She placed her paw on the side of Adira's stomach where she could feel her ribs and pressed her paw firmly but softly and gently against Adira's rib area. A sparkling gold glow circled around her paw like a solar eclipse. When she pressed harder, the Tree of Life lit up. After it was over, Queen Penda breathed hard and heavily. "I... feel all better!" Adira exclaimed. I let out a laugh with happiness and then looked over at Queen Penda. "Thank you, Your Majesty." I said bowing down. I glanced at Aasira and did a playful but respectful, regal bow to her, too and said, "Thank you, both Your Majesties." Aasira smiled and closed her eyes halfway as a sign of being calm and relaxed. "You are a polite young lady. King Kazija taught you well..." Queen Penda told me. As I was getting ready to leave the Tree with the Lion Guard and Adira, I stopped and looked back at Queen Penda surprised. "You knew my father...?!" I freaked. "Correction: I know your father." Queen Penda said. "How?" I asked confused and intrested. Queen Penda chucked suspiciously and mysteriously and said, "That's a story for later. Now you lions have been on a long journey. You are welcome to spend the night here and go back tomorrow. Cye and Danon have assorted a place for you to sleep tonight." Queen Penda told us. Kesi whispered in my ear and said, "Two hot lions helping us out," I rolled my eyes and said, "Thank you,"

~That night~

The Lion Guard and I slept in a den along with Adira. It was super crowded but it was better than being up for two more straight weeks.

Hey, guys, thanks for reading. I'm calling it a night. It's 4:00 where I am and I'm super tired. So sorry if this wasn't the BEST ending for this chapter. Goodnight.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now