~Chapter 39~ You... saved me?

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Season 3

~A few hours later that day~

As I was sitting by the waterhole on a tall rock sadly, Bakari was hiding behind bushes and trees. He dropped the branches he had in his mouth on the ground and then ran to the nearest volcano in the Northlands.

~Moments later~

He came back with fire on sticks and set a fire around the waterhole, hoping that there weren't any other animals there than just me. Little did he know there was a mother oryx and her baby at the waterhole, too. Once he lit the fire, he ran off and hid behind a tall rock waiting for the perfect time to "save" me. As the fire spread across the trees and dry grounf around the waterhole, I sighed relaxed but sadly as I laid in the warm waterhole. Then I started smelling smoke. Then I saw the fire surrounding me with no way out. "WHAT THE-?!" I shrieked. I swam fastly up onto the tall rock, not seeing the two oryxes. I coughedas the ash got in my eyes and nose. I sat down and scratched my ear then stood back up and looked around. Just as I was about to jump from the rock over the fire, I started to lose breath. After I coughed once more, Bakari leaped from out of nowhere and stood up tall in front of me puffing out his chest and yelled, "We need to get out of here! Now!" "But-" I started then he grabbed my scruff and threw me over the flames. I groaned in pain from the fall. And I groaned in annoyance. I tried to see through the flames but it was no use. "Bakari..." was all I could say. I felt kind of bad for him. Then much to my surprise, he leaped from the ground over then flames then landed all four feet on the ground. I was still pretty surprised by all that was happening. He chuckled and trotted up to me proudly with his eyee closed and a smirk on his face and told me, "I thought cats were supposed to land on their feet," I rolled my eyes and then heard a "baa" sound on the other side of the flames. I saw the mother and baby oryx scared. "Oh, no. I have to save them..!" I said once I jumped back over the flames.

Bakari's mind

Why couldn't you have done that before?

Bakari sighed annoyed and said quietly to himself, "And I have to save you," He jumped over the flames, ran up to me, and asked with a smile, "What do want me to do?" "Just follow my lead!" I told him as I led the baby oryx out of the fire. "Come on, Mama..." Bakari said slowly as he walked beside the mother oryx. I stopped at the flames and Bakari looked at my perplexed. "What's wrong? Can't you just jump her over the fire like what I did with you?" He asked looking at me. "No. 1: You weren't thinking about my safety and how dangerous that was! And 2: For some reason, I don't believe she would make it over the fire." I said looking at him then looking back at the fire. He just went for it and ran past me as he quickly said before grabbing the baby oryx's scruff, "Please don't hate me!" He jumped the oryx over the fire and it landed on the ground hard as I gasped. The mother oryx glared at him and jumped over the fire. "Oh, why didn't you do that before!?!" He yelled folding his ears back violently. "Now we have to get out of here. Want another throw?" He asked me.

My mind

Is he joking?

"Uh, you aren't touching me!" I snapped at him almost about to bite once I noticed he wasn't kidding. "Then how are we gonna get out?" He asked me. Sadly, I didn't really have a better idea. Another one anyway. I wouldn't say better. And the fire was getting closer as Bakari and I thought. I looked around for a clear exit but all I could see was flames. Then specks of fire. Then smoke. Then... nothing but black.

~A few hours later~

I opened my eyes slowly and then coughed. Probably from all the smoke. I was laying down so I looked at the ground and saw I was laying in grass in the middle of the plains of the Southlands. My ears lowered a bit from weakness because I used them so much for hearing so I knew how much closer the fire was getting without having to look to damage my eyes. I looked around and saw a brown lion's back turned to me. I was silent then said, "Bakari..?" The lion turned to me and said, "You're welcome for saving your life," I sighed from tiredness and regret as I stood up and sat down because I couldn't really walk. Well I could walk but I couldn't keep my balance. I felt kind of dizzy and Bakari walked up to me slowly and asked kindof sweetly and concerned, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, fine. Just a little... dizzy. Woah." I said falling a little on Bakari's chest. "You might be "fine" but I should get you home." I was a little confused what he meant by HE should get me home. I was perfectly capableof getting myself home by walking. Just as he helped me stand, Naju came running up to the scene with the rest of the Lion Guard. "Hey! Get away from her!" Naju snapped. Bakari's facial expression went from caring and sweet to confused. Naju stopped at a sharp stop and growled, snarled, and roared in Bakari's face. "What the heck to you think you're doing?!" Naju yelled. "....." was what I was like. I was just silent watching the two. Asha and the other two of the Lion Guard stopped running towards us and were a little confused. Asha spoke up and said kind of defending Bakari, "...Naju... I don't think he was hurting her. Or threatening looking for a fight." "You're defending him?!" Naju yelled turning towards to face her. "He was helping her," Kesi said speaking up, too. "OK," Naju said with a scoff then stormed away to South Rock. I was still pretty silent. Just watching him storm off. Then I turned my head to look at Bakari. "We'll take her home. You go... do something." Asha said looking back at Bakari with hesitation as she helped me home. "Go back to the Northlands, Bakari," Kesi said walking back to South Rock. Without anyone knowing, he followed us to South Rock.

Thanks for reading! Good news by the way. Well good news for you guys. I'm betting that I can finish my Lion King Kia story BEFORE the 1st of December!! See you guys soon.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now