~Chapter 17~ The Lion Guard Ceremony

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Season 1

"But she's just a cub!" Dad said. "Yes, but she's obviously the keenest of sight." Mom said. "Exactly! We NEED her!" I said. Dad thought about it for a minute. "Besides, I'm a cub, too and I'm the LEADER of the Lion Guard." I said in a convincing voice. "Kabira is a three month old cub. Your are six months old!" Dad said. "I think we should give her a chance." I said. "Did she even say yes?" Mom asked raising her eyebrow. "Well...- no... but- she's thinking about it." I stuttered. Kabira then came out and said, "So I thought about it and... I'd be honored to be on the Lion Guard." Kabira said. Dad looked at her and said, "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm brave enough. And I don't really wanna let my sister down." Kabira smiled. I smiled at her. "Well, then... if I can't change your mind, I guess I'll get the ceremony of the Lion Guard ready, heh." Dad said. I smiled at him and then walked away.

Kabira and I walked over to the Lion Guard. "Hey, guys, say hi to our new Lion Guard member." I said. "So you're the keenest of sight?" Naju asked. "Yep, I guess so," Kabira said. "But she's still small. What happens if there's a fight?" Kesi asked. "Oh, she won't be fighting until she's bigger. So she'll just keep watch for us while we do the fighting." I said. "Hm, OK. Sounds good." Naju said. Then we all heard laughs. "Hyenas...?" Naju said annoyed. "Kabira," I said. "Yep," Kabira said. She jumped on a rock then used her keen sight as a purple flash went across her eyes. "Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi are attacking gazelles." Kabira said. "K. Lion Guard, come on. 'Till the Southlands end..." I said. "Lion Guard defend!" Everyone else said.

~A few minutes later~

"OK, Kesi and Naju, attack Abedi, Asha, Chandu, I'll take Chiku, and Kabira, keep watch." I said. Everyone did as they were told. Kabira jumped on a rock to keep watch. I attacked Chiku head on.

~A few minutes later~ (I'm lazy, lol)

Kesi, Kabira, Naju, Asha, and I went up to South Rock and saw Mom and Dad sitting on the edge. "You guys can go back to the lair." I told them. Kesi, Naju, and Asha nodded and left. Kabira laid down. "Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad." I smiled walking over to them. "Oh, hi, Kia. How did Kabira's first Lion Guard experience go?" Mom asked. "She was great. We both agreed she would fight when she was a little bigger." I said. "Good idea. After all, she isn't that strong yet." Mom said. I smiled at Mom and then Dad said, "Well you better gather the Lion Guard up again. This evening is the Lion Guard ceremony." "K, we'll be there," I said smiling.

~That evening~

"Everyone, I'd like to thank you all for coming to the ceremony of the new Lion Guard. As you know, we haven't had a Lion Guard for quite some time. But I hope that my daughter, Princess Kia will reassure you all that you don't have to live in constant fear anymore. Now Kia will say a few words before she gets marked as the leader of the Lion Guard." Dad said. I walked up on a tall rock then said, "Hello, Southlanders. I know that I'm just a cub. But one day, I will be queen. And a true queen needs to be strong, brave, have a good heart and be a natural-born leader. And I believe I am and have all those things right now. The Lion Guard will protect you when you're in danger, we'll reassure you when you're in doubt, but most of all... we'll protect the Southlands along with you and defend the circle of life because that is who we are. We will protect the Southlands with everything we have. 'Till the Southlands end." Everyone cheered and the Lion Guard walked up to me. "That was a great speech!" Asha said. "How'd you remember all of it?" Naju asked. "I didn't have to. I just said what I felt right at that time. I spoke from the heart." I said. "We love you, Princess Kia!" A giraffe called out. "Now as the leader of the Lion Guard, I will mark the lions that will protect the Southlands with me as their leader." I said as I walked over to the Lion Guard. First, suddenly the Mark of the Guard appeared on my shoulder. I smiled then put my paw on Asha's shoulder and said, "Asha, you are the bravest." Then I walked over to Naju and put my paw on his shoulder and said, "Naju, you are the strongest." I put my paw on Kesi's shoulder and said, "Kesi, you are the fastest." As I walked over to Kabira, I knew that Kesi was saying inside her head, "You better believe it". I put my paw on Kabira's shoulder and smiled then said, "And Kabira, my little sister, you are the keenest of sight." Everyone in the Southlands cheered. "So, Kabira? How's it feel to be on the Lion Guard?" Naju asked. "It feels... honorable. Strange but honorable." Kabira said with a smile. "Well there you have it, Southlanders. This is the new Lion Guard!" Dad said. I smiled along with the rest of the Lion Guard. I turned to them and said, "I can trust you guys to help me defend the Southlands, right?" "Yeah!" Naju exclaimed enthusiastically. "Of course!" Asha said. "You got that right!" Kesi said with a smile. "Mhm," Kabira said. I smiled at all of them and then nuzzled my mom and dad. "We know you can do it," Mom said. "Thanks, Mom. I'll do my best." I said. "I believe in you, Kia," Dad said.

~Later that sunset~

As the sun set, I saw Kabira sitting on the edge of South Rock. I walked over and sat with her. "What you lookin' at, sis?" I asked curiously. "Just the sunset. I love coming up here. It helps me clear my head about all the royal hubbub." Kabira said with a giggle. I giggled a little, too and said, "You think you have it hard? I can't get Zuri and Nibaal away from me. Being queen will be more trouble than you'll ever have." "Really? I feel like being queen wouldn't include so much complexity." Kabira told me. "Heh. You have no idea. But with you by my side I won't have so much to deal with by myself." I said nudging Kabira closer to me with my paw around her. "By yourself? Kia, you'll never be by yourself. Even if I'm here or not." Kabira said. My ears lowered and I smiled. "I know. And I'm grateful for all the comfort I have. But just between you and me... between family and friends, family gives the most support and comfort." I smiled happily. "Heh, yeah," Kabira chuckled. I chuckled, too and put my head on Kabira's head and watched the sunset with her. "They're more bonded than they'll ever know." Mom said in the distance watching us. "They'll succeed," Dad smiled. Then he added, "We did," Then he and Mom nuzzled.

Kabira's voice: Skai Jackson

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