~Chapter 19~ Teenagers

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Season 2

A year passed and I grew into a teenager. Kabira was a normal-size lion cub which was the size of me when I got marked leader of the Lion Guard. The rest of the Lion Guard were also teenagers. I hadn't seen Bakari in a while ever since I roared him and his pride out of the Southlands. Chiku and Chandu had gotten older, too so they were slower and a little worse at fighting. Kabira's eyesight got stronger, Kesi had gotten way faster, Naju had gotten stronger, and Asha was still the same. She still took daring risks. My roar got stronger than it was when I was just a cub, too. I barely used it though. I only used it when I really needed to. The Lion Guard and I were resting in the Lion Guard Lair until Alzena flew in and, "Lion Guard! The zebras are in trouble. A mudslide is on the way to sweep them away!" "What?! Oh, no!" Kabira said standing up. "Oh, yes, Kabira! Which you would have known if you were keeping watch like you're supposed to." Alzena said. "Don't worry, Alzena, we'll take care of it. 'Till the Southlands end..." I said. "Lion Guard defend!" Everyone else said.

At Maji Falls (the waterfall)

All the zebras were drinking at Maji Falls when we got there. Kabira used her eyesight as a purple strike flashed across her eyes. She looked in the distance and saw the mud slide getting closer. "Uh, guys, the mud is getting closer." Kabira said. I ran over to the zebra leader, Abia. "Abia, you need to get out of here! There's a mudslide on the way!" I told her. "What?!" Abia freaked looking over at the mudslide. "Zebras! Run!" Abia yelled. "Wait! We'll guide you out of here. Even for how fast you are, the mudslide will catch up. Follow us. Kabira, find the fastest way out." I said. "You got it, sis!" Kabira said climbing up a tree. She looked around and saw a narrow ravine. "There's a ravine up ahead! But you'd have to be pretty brave to pass the water to get there before the mudslide got there!" Kabira called. "Brave? Pfft, why didn't you say that in the first place?!" Asha exclaimed running through water. "Come on, zebras! In here!" She called. "Move it!" Kesi said. The zebras made it to the ravine! The mudslide passed and we were all safe but we were all really muddy and wet.

~A while later~

The Lion Guard and I were dripping as we walked back to the Lion Guard Lair. "Kia? What happened?" Mom asked. She was waiting for us at the bottom of South Rock. "There was a small mudslide BUT good news is the zebras are now safe probably grazing away in the grass." I smiled lowering my ears. "Yeah, I bet they're super happy." Naju said scratching himself. "This mud is super itchy," Kesi said. "Yeah, we better go wash off. See you later, Mom!" I said running over to the lake with the Lion Guard following.


Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi were hiding in the tall grass. "I can't believe we made it this far into the Southlands without the Lion Guard noticing." Abedi said laughing maniacally. "Shh! Look." Chiku said looking at a gazelle herd right in front of them. "Are you sure the Lion Guard won't attack us for that?" Chandu asked raising an eyebrow. "It's worth a shot!! I don't see the Lion Guard anywhere, do you?" Chiku growled. "No..." Chandu said lowering his ears. "Do you see a fresh gazelle herd right in front of our face not even inches away?" Chiku smirked. "Yeah..." Chandu said chuckling and licking his lips. "I'm smart," Chiku said to herself. "Not that smart!" I said jumping in front of the three hyenas. "Seriously!?!?!? But how'd you get here so fast??!" Chiku shouted. "We're the Lion Guard, remember? We ARE fast." Kesi said then attacked Chandu. She became more confident in attacking stronger enemies.

~A few minutes later~

Once the Lion Guard and I finished the fight with Chiku and the others, we headed back to South Rock.

Sorry, guys, that's all I have for now. I wasn't sure how to end this chapter. Goodnight!

This is the size of me/Kia, Kesi, and Asha

This is the size of Naju now (he's a bit bigger than the teenage females)

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This is the size of Naju now (he's a bit bigger than the teenage females)

This is the size of Naju now (he's a bit bigger than the teenage females)

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This is the size of Kabira now

This is the size of Kabira now

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