~Chapter 59~ The War Pt. 2

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Season 4 - Special

Malaika was fighting a hyena and a grey Northland lioness. Asha pounced on a caramel Northland lioness. I walked through the war looking for Keres. Once I made my way through growling, snarling, and drooling lions, jaguars, hyenas, and other big cats, I finally saw Keres who was fighting my mom. I snarled and pounced on her back after unleashing my claws.

~A few minutes later~

I was fighting Keres head-to-head. We were by a cliff and of course, a flash flood had to happen. Water filled the cliff and the water rose higher and higher. Keres moved so I was on the side of the water-filled cliff. I snarled and scratched Keres's left cheek. Keres was about to say something but she looked down at my paws and then the water behind me. She smirked and then ran up to me and pretty much headbutted me which causeiuiid me to fall off the cliff. "Ugh," I groaned as I got washed away. Once I made it to land, I coughed up water. I shook my head to get the water off. Once that was over, I was furious. I growled loudly and yelled, "KERES!!!!!!!"

Once I calmed down, I walked around trying to find out where I was. "Hello?" I called out. I was hoping that at least someone was here with me. Just then, a lion came out from the shadows. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at him. The lion had a yellow, brownish, golden coat with a light tan underbelly, paws, muzzle, and eye shades, a light pink nose, light blue eyes, and a brown mane and tail tuft. I moved my back hind legs and said in a slightly uncomfortable voice, "Oh, um, hi. I'm Kia. Princess of the Southlands. Right over there. Where that war is going on." I looked up at the cliff I fell off of and saw the ruckus of the lions and other none-cat animals attacking each other. "Kia? As in "princess of my former home"..? As in "my sister Kia?!" The lion said. I tilted my head in confusion. What was he talking about? Sister? "Uhhhhhhh," was all I could say. I was so uncomfortable and really just wanted to get back home. "You don't know me but I'm Kai. And you're my sister." The lion told me. I backed away cautiously and said, "Hehe, OOOOOK, well I'm-I'm gonna go," "Kia, wait...-" The somewhat crazy lion said holding out his paw. As I attempted to leave, I bumped into someone, causing them to drop their Bakora Staff. I looked down and said, "Oh, sorry, Omari," Omari was the new Royal Mjuzi of South Rock. Well, more like Royal Mjuzi in training. She was still pretty young so yeah. She hasn't quite mastered all of the Royal Mjuzi's duties. She was like, as young as I was when I became leader of the Lion Guard. "That's okay, Kia," Omari laughed. Then she looked over at Kai and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Who's your friend?" I looked over at Kai and denied quickly, "Uh-he's not my friend," "Woah. Harsh." Kai said sitting down. I looked back at him about to say something but I just let it go and shook my head quickly realizing something. "Wait a minute! Omari, what are you doing here? You should be back in South Rock!" I told her. "Queen Kamaria wanted me to find you. She didn't see you at the war. So what happened?" She said. "Keres pushed me off of a water-filled cliff," I said neutrally with my ears all the way up. "Wow. OK, well your mother wants you back in the Southlands. New update: We're winning the war!" Omari smiled as she jumped high. "What?! That's amazing!" I smiled back. "War? What war?" Kai butted in. I rolled my eyes annoyed and said, "Ugh. There's a war going on between the Northlanders and the Southlanders. If you MUST know." "What? But that's not possible. It was confirmed that if I left the Southlands along with the pride, the Northlander's and Southlander's feud would end." Kai told us. "Wait, what? What do you have to do with any of this?" I asked. I was a little concerned now. "Kia, I know it's hard to believe but you have to trust me. I'm the first-born son of King Kazija and Queen Kamaria. Now, do you want the long version or the short version?" Kai asked. "Well since the fate and lives of the Southlands and Southlanders are on the line, short." I said kind of getting impatient. "When I was born, a member of the Southland pride named Birsha had a cub of her own and wanted him to be king of the Southlands. Dad told her no like a million times and she got so angry that she did unspeakable things. So she got banished to the Northlands along with the ones who were loyal to her. Later on in months, I realized that the only way to stop the feud was by me leaving the Southlands so that Birsha would stop trying to throw me out of the throne. At first, Mom and Dad refused. But later on they knew it was the only way. So once I was about a teenager, I left the Southlands. But turns out Birsha didn't keep her word." Kai explained. Omari and I were just silent. "OK, 1: I don't know who the heck Birsha is. And 2: How was that the short version?" I said. "So what you're saying is, a lioness from the Southland pride hated you and wanted her cub to be king so you left the Southlands due to it being the only way to stop this stupid and unnecessary feud." Omari said with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I guess I could've just said that," Kai mumbled. "Mhm," I said quickly, getting all up in his face. Then I added with curiosity, "But why would Mom and Dad not at least tell me I had an older brother?" I wondered. "Trust me when I say, it was probably for the best." Kai said running off. I turned in his direction as he ran past me and said, "Woah, where you goin'?" "Come on, we gotta stop that war!" He said running off. I followed behind with Omari behind me as I thought "so I'm not the future queen of the Southlands?"

Wow, that's just ONE of the big twists in this story. This twist changes everything now xd. Love y'all and thanks for readin'. By the way, Kai looks like Kopa from The Lion King. And Omari is Rafiki's mom. I just didn't know her real name. I don't think Rafiki's mom is even canon.

This is Kai (just imagine him with ice blue eyes and a pinker nose)

This is Kai (just imagine him with ice blue eyes and a pinker nose)

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Kai's voice: Unknown at the time

Omari's voice: Unknown at the time

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