~Chapter 70~ Solar Eclipse Pt. 2

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Season 5 - Special

We went to where the "village" was that Cosmos told us about. And it definitely was destroyed. The, what I assumed to be grass, was now black and grey. Spiky rocks were crashed into mountains, other rocks, and other horrific things that could blind you're eyes in fear for an eternity. "Woah..." Naju said in shock looking around. "No... Asha couldn't have done this..." I said trying my best to believe she never caused thism "Sorry, Your Majesty," Cosmos said. My facial expressions turned into mad ones and I said, "We need to find Asha and get to the bottom of this," Naju and Kesi looked at each other with confused looks. Naju stood forward and said, "Kia, even if we find Asha- which I'm pretty sure we won't, what are you planning on doing if we do?" "Tell her to get her head out of the clouds!" I told him. "But like Naju said, what if we can't even find Asha?" Kesi asked looking at me. "I don't think that's gonna be a problem," Asha's voice said. Naju, Kesi, and I stood in a circle looking around in fighting position. Kesi looked up and saw Asha in a tree, standing against a the trunk. We couldn't see her facial expression because her face was in the shadows of the tree's leaves. I looked up and said, "Kesi... get. Her!" Kesi ran harshly, jumped up the tree, and unleashed her claws. She pounced, attempting to pounce on Asha, but Asha chuckled evily with a smirk and jumped down the tree onto all four paws. That caused Kesi's claws to be stuck in the tree's wood. Asha chuckled evily again and then walked up to me. "Asha, do you even know what you're doing?!" I snapped at her. "Yeah. Finally realizing who I am. And getting closer and closer to getting the throne." Asha answered with another smirk. "Throne? Heh, you think you're overpower my mom and get the throne?" I asked with a scoff and a smile. Was this dude for real? "Guess we'll just wait and see," Asha smiled. "You listen to me, Asha. Stay away from my family, my home, and my friends. When you finally realize that you're going nuts, come talk to me, k?" I told her with a glare and walked away with the Lion Guard. Well, most of the Lion Guard. Asha watched us leave with a neutral frown. "Why didn't you take them down when you had the chance?" That wizard guy named Sahir asked, appearing next to her side in thin air. "I've got another plan," Asha said, just thinking of a plan now so she could use it as an excuse. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Eh. The newer generation these days. Don't make sense. Anyway, come. We have magic training." Asha followed him as he walked away.

~In the Southlands~

I was walking back into the Southlands ANGRY. I growled the whole way back. "Kia-" Naju started then I looked back at him with my teeth clenched, my ears folded back violently, and a mad expression on my face that said "I don't wanna be talked to". "Uh, nevermind," Naju said after his ears dropped quickly by themselves.

I stomped into South Rock and looked at the ground with anger rushing through my head and body. I honestly just wanted to hunt something. Kai walked past like he was looking for me. When he saw me, he called, "Hey! K-Kia!" I turned to him violently and yelled in anger, "WHAT?!?" He stopped walking towards me and said, "What did I do?" I groaned and told him, "Nothing. Sorry. I was just having this... "thing" with Asha." I chuckled and finished, "What's up?" "That's actually what I was gonna ask you about. Asha. Wait, you saw Asha? Is she back home again?" He asked concerned. "No, not... exactly... she terrorized a village and is threatening she's gonna take the throne." I whispered, looking around before I told him. "Terrorized? Threatened? Wow, things do change. Pfft, but she's no match for Mom." Kai said. "Yeah, that's the problem. If Asha even does this little thing she says she's gonna do, Mom is gonna have to fight one of her subjects." I told him."Yeah but at least she'd be saving all her other subjects," Kai said with a small smile. "Yeah... I guess," I said. I sighed and told him, "I'll see ya later,"

~On the edge of South Rock~

I went to the edge of South Rock and sat down, looking at the sun setting horizon with a worried but sad look. My ears were blowing in the wind in the back. I looked down and said to mysedryaslf, "I hate to say it, but Dad would know what to do," when I thought I was alone, Bakari walked over and took a deep breath. After that, he said, "Kia, I thought this place-your HOME, would be the best place to do this. Do this at the place you grew up. The place where you've lived your whole life at. I wanted to do it here to ask you to add life with-" "Kia! Bakari! It's time to sleep! You've been through a lot today, Kia, you need to sleep on it and get it out of your're head. You can talk more in the morning." Mom called from the entrance of South Rock. I looked back at her and said, "K, Mom," Bakari said, "But I-" "You can tell me in the morning, goodnight, honey. Love you." I quickly said kissing him on the cheek and then I walked into South Rock. He looked down and said with a sigh, "Love you, too..."

Hey, guys! Wow! 70TH CHAPTER!! That's like... huge! I wanna thank all of you for the support and votes. Stay strong and connected in these tough times. But not too connected. Lol, we are still social distancing. You guys have been an amazing part of my life and I can't wait to please and talk to you guys some more. And remember, as I said ten chapters ago, this story is coming to an end so NOW would be a good time to tell me if there's anything specific you want to happen in my story, any characters to return, characters to have moments together, and other stuff just like questions and supporting comments. And if you have any OCs you'd like me to add as long as they're appropriate for the story, I'll see what I can do. And if you like the chapters, vote for them. Because ppl usually really like the chapters but they NEVER vote. So if you like the chapter, vote for it, dude. Just know that I love you all and I hope that all of your dreams come true.

Love, AngelxScamp

Cosmos's voice: Jeremy Jordan (he voices Varian in Tangled: The Series) (xd, his voice was the only one that suited the character!)

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