~Chapter 62~ No title, sorry

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Season 4

As I showed Kai some new stuff, we walked past a zebra herd. "And that's the new zebra herd that formed 2 years ago. The leader is Abia." I told him. "Hi, Abia!" I called out to her with a smile. Abia raised her head from the grass and smiled at me. "Hi again, Kia," she replied. "As you can see, I'm very loved and popular around the Southlands." I said smiling proudly with my eyes closed. Kai laughed and said, "Wow, a lot has changed since I left," "Hey, wait a minute. What's that?" I said squinting my eyes looking in the zebra herd's direction, not even acknowledging Kai. Kai looked over where I was looking and said as he saw Abia, "Uh, a very fat zebra," "No, there's something wrong," I said walking over to the zebra herd. Some zebras moved so that I could see what was going on. Zebras from the herd were surrounding Abia who was on the ground. "Abia? Are you okay? Did you collapse? W-what happened?" I asked.

One random zebra's mind

She's asking a lot of questions. *Is annoyed*

Abia's oldest daughter, Swala, walked over to me trying not to step on Abia and said, "She's pregnant. But the foal is turned in the wrong direction. She's in lots of pain. Some of the herd members won't let anyone near her." "Oh. Well does she need help with anything?" I asked her. "Can you turn a foal?" Swala asked. "When it's inside someone? No." I said then my ears dropped quickly by themselves. I wasn't even moving them. "OK... well I'm gonna go back to South Rock..." Kai said slowly as he tried to walk away. "What? Why?" I asked looking back at him, still having a paw on Abia's stoma. "Oh, I'm just... yawn! Kinda sleepy, ya know? Gotta... get those naps in, heh. Bye!" Kai said running off. "Wait, wait, wait! Kai!? Can you-?" I started then knew he was already gone. I turned my head to Swala and said looking back at Swala as I walked away, "Well just... tell me if you need any help with anything, k?" Swala nodded her head and said, "Thank you, princess," I went back home.

~At South Rock~

I walked into South Rock and asked Mom with a little aggressiveness in my voice, "Where's Kai?" "He's out practice hunting with Nibaal and Zuri. He's been gone for so long that his hunting experience is a little... uh-" Mom started then I yelled, "He said he was gonna take a nap!" Mom sat her thing down and asked concerned, "Is everything okay, sweetie?" I just nodded and exclaimed, "Mom, you will not believe the situation I just included myself in!" Mom raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" She said confused, still with a raised eyebrow. "Turns out Abia is pregnant." I started. "Again?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow again. "Uh-hu. And her foal is turned in the wrong direction and she's in lotsof pain and-" I continued sounding excited about this but Mom looked at me with another raised eyebrow. "You okay, Mom?" I asked her. "Are you?" She asked with the same raised eyebrow. I groaned and walked away.

I walked into the lair and yawned. I laid down on the rock and sighed big from exhaustion. I didn't know that the Lion Guard was there, too so when Asha said "hey", I freaked, "AHH!" The Lion Guard looked at me confused. "Heh, sorry, guys. It's just that Abia is pregnant and her foal is turned the other way. You remember her, right?" I said looking at them all. "Yeah, we saved her and her herd from the mudslide a while back." Naju said. "Yep. I was thinking we could-" I started then remembered something. "Oh, dang it! I forgot I have to get ready for the party tonight." I said running out of the lair. I poked my head inside and finished by saying, "Feel free to do... you know, whatever," the Lion Guard looked at each other confused again.

~Early sunset~

"So we'll see you when we get back," Mom smiled. The Lion Guard smiled at us and Asha said with a chuckle, "We'll keep the Southlands under control while you two are gone, Your Majesty." Mom smiled at Asha. "Have fun at your Eastlands party, Kia. Your nephew and nieces will miss you." Kesi said soon with a baby voice when she looked at her cubs. I smirked at her kind of confused and then said, "Come on, Mom," Mom and I headed towards the Eastlands. The Lion Guard smiled and then Naju said, "K, what should we do?" "I'm gonna go give the girls a bath. Asha, think you can watch River?" Kesi said handing River to Asha. "Uh..." Asha started. Kesi smiled at her and said, "Thanks," as she walked off, Asha tried to say before Kesi got out of sight, "Uh, it's just... he's-he's kinda your son..." "Ugh, forget it," Asha added and finished as she walked away.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now