~Chapter 45~ Betrayal

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Season 3

~1 week later~

I was walking through the Southlands when my dad came over and asked, "Mind if I patrol with you today?" "Nope, go ahead," I said looking down. Dad looked at me and told me, "You and your friends have come a long way, Kia." I chuckled and said smiling at him, "It feels like just yesterday I assembled the Lion Guard members and I chose Asha and the others. I'm glad I did..." "I'm glad you did, too," Dad smiled back at me. "Kia, but there's something you should know. When you're queen, you won't be leader of the Lion Guard anymore." Dad told me. I stopped walking and said, "W-what?" "You and your friends have become strong and fearless lion and lionesses. But when you're queen, you won't have enough time to do this job. Which is why when you're queen, you'll choose who you want to take you're place until and if you have cubs of your own." Dad explained. "Oh... OK," I said walking again. Dad followed and I asked looking back at him, "But am I still betrothed to Auni?" Dad chuckled and said, "No," I smiled and hugged him by putting my neck under his.

~In the Northlands~

Bakari walked into the Northlands slowly and looked for Keres. Once he saw her back turned to him, he smirked and said in a bratty tone, "What happened to "I have three days to kill somebody or everyone will learn my little secret". "Oh, don't worry, Bakari. I'm gonna take care of that job for you." Keres smirked as she walked into the Southlands with six other lionesses by her side. Bakari looked back at her confused and said, "What are you gonna do?" "Your job," Keres only said before fading into the tall grassy brush.

~On the edge of South Rock~

Mom and Dad were sitting on the edge of South Rock talking when Keres and her lionesses walked over to them growling. "KERES!" Dad snarled. I walked up and smiled, "Hey, Dad? Have you seen my-" Once I saw Keres look back at me, I yelled madly, "WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE?!?" Keres smirked at me and asked, "Any last words to your precious parents?" "No, but I do have last words to you. GET!AWAY! FROM THEM!" I pounced on Keres and bit her ear then one of the lionesses from her pride attacked me. Mom growled and pinned one of the lionesses down. Dad was about to join the fight but Bakari jumped in front of him and Keres. "Mom! Go away!" He scolded. Adira ran over to see what all the commotion was about. The Lion Guard did the same and Kesi knocked into Adira's back, Asha knocked into Kesi, Kabira knocked into Asha, and Naju knocked into Kabira. "What the heck is going on?!" Adira complained. Keres, Bakari, Keres's pride members, Mom, Dad, andI ignored her and growled at each other. "Mom, this has to stop!" Bakari yelled at her. "My sweet boy, I'm just doing what you would've done six months ago if you didn't trick yourself into the Southlands." Keres smirked. Bakari looked down with an almost ashamed look on his face. "Bakari, what's she talking about?" I asked him as I walked closer to him. "It's nothing important," Bakari said still looking down. "Oh, I think the king would say otherwise," Keres smiled evily. She looked over at Dad who had a raised eyebrow and a confused face. "Oh, so he hasn't told you. Well... nows your time to confess. Tell them why that really caused that fire. Or should I said tell them "who"? Tell them all what the real reason was why the waterhole went up in flames all of a sudden six months ago. Go on, tell them." Keres smirked as she sat down. Bakari folded his ears back violently and glared at her, lowly growling. "No? OK. The real reason is because Bakari was mad that you didn't let him become a Southlander so he came of with an ingenious plan to set a fire around where Princess Kia was by surrounding her in it. Did I mention he surrounded her with it?" Keres said walking over to Dad trying to cause trouble. "I think you've said enough," Dad told her with anger in his eyes. Bakari looked down sadly as he lowered his ears. Keres then finished off by saying, "He planned to save her after setting the fire so that you would "trust him". So he pretty much could've killed your daughter. Did I mention he could've killed your daughter?" "You already said that," Kabira said with annoyance and sadness in her voice. "Wow, that trust level just went down big time," Keres laughed leaning her elbow on Dad's shoulder. Bakari looked back at me and I was in complete shock. "You lied to me!" I scolded. "Yes, but-" Bakari was cut off by Dad saying calmly, "Bakari, I would like you to leave now," Bakari looked down and left along with Keres and her pride members. I looked down the whole time with a mad but sad expression on my face.

~That night in the Northlands~

Naju walked to the boarder of the Southlands and the Northlands and Bakari was standing on the shadows. "What do you want? To tell me I'm a terrible lion because I know." Bakari said still in the shadows. "Actually I just came to give you this," Naju said handing Bakari a blue flower with the inner colored yellow. It was the flower Bakari gave me three months ago as a thank you present for accepting him as a Southlander. "Thanks..." Bakari said with only his snout coming out of the shadows so he could take it. Naju turned away and was about to head back toSouth Rock with a smirk when Bakari stopped him by saying, "Wait, Kia doesn't want this?" Naju turned back to him with a look that said he was trying to think of something to say. "Uh, no. I guess she's just moving on." He said sounding normal. "Oh. Also, can you give Kia this?" Bakari asked handing Naju an ice sculpture that I gave him way back when. It was made out of Stone Ice which was rare ice that never melts. I got it from the Snow Empire last Christmas when I was hanging with Bakari. "I don't need it anymore. Tell her I guess I'm just... moving on." Bakari snapped. "I'll make sure she gets the message," Naju smiled as he walked back to South Rock, smirking the whole way. Well maybe not the WHOLE way, that'd be weird.

Love you guys so much! Thanks for reading!

Quote of the chapter: The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies...

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now