~Chapter 75~ Isn't it a little early?

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Season 5

I was walking through the Southlands when Alzena flew down over and said, "Hi, Your Majesty. The queen would like to speak with you." "Alright, I'm coming," I said. I walked back to South Rock.

I sat down looking around. "Mom? You here?" I wondered. Just then, Mom came out from behind one of the walls in South Rock and greeted with a smile, "Kia, hello," "You needed me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. I need to talk to you about something." Mom said and then Kai came walking over. "Let me guess. Kai is gonna be king after all." I said keeping my eyebrow raised. Kai laughed a bit then said, "No, it's not that. This actually does have something to do with rulers though." I looked at Mom who said when I looked over at her, "You're going to become queen now," I looked at both of them back and forth. I was hoping they would burst out laughing but they just kept their serious faces. "What are you guys talking about?! We all know the rules. The future king or queen doesn't become ruler until the present ruler dies. And as you can all see, Mom's still alive." I said. Then I thought about something dark as said while tapping her and trying to here a heartbeat, "Right?" "I know what the rules are but your father and I had been thinking about you becoming queen a little earlier before he completed his journey in the circle of life. And I think this would be good for you. Crystal is a ruler in the Snow Empire right? Maybe she could help you with some tips. Besides, you two haven't seen each other in forever." Mom said moving away from me a little. I looked at her in confusion and came up with something by saying, "But what about the Lion Guard?" As I said that, Kai looked at Mom like they had something to say about that. "Uh," Kai said. "Being queen and leading the Lion Guard is gonna keep me pretty busy," I told them. "That's the other thing we were gonna talk to you about..." Kai started. He looked at Mom and she nodded. "You won't be leading the Lion Guard anymore," they both said at the same time. "What?!" I freaked.

~By the waterhole~

I was laying on a rock by the waterhole with Kesi, Naju, Kabira, Asha, Bakari, and Malaika. "You're gonna become queen early? That's great news!" Kesi smiled encouragingly. "Yeah... but the thing is..." I tried to find the right words. "Don't make excuses. Kia, you were so excited to become queen when you were younger. So what's the problem? What changed?" "Yeah," Naju butted in. "Everything, guys! Kesi's a mother now, Asha just got out of being evil, I'm married, Naju is dating Malaika, and now I have to give up the Lion Guard, I saw the Tree of Life-" I started and then Naju said, "Wait, wait, wait... What do you mean "give up the Lion Guard"?" I was silent and folded my ears back. "Mom and Kai said when you become ruler of the Southlands, the leader of the Lion Guard role leaves. That's just life apparently." I finally spit out. "But what about us!?" Kesi snapped. "I guess you all can go your separate ways," I said with a small smile. The Lion Guard just looked down sadly.

~In South Rock~

The Lion Guard was yelling at Mom, trying to understand why I can't lead the Lion Guard and be queen. "Everyone, I know this is hard but it's for the good of the Southlands. And this wasn't even my rule." Mom said. "But what about us!?" Kesi snapped again. Mom was about to talk and then Kabira asked calmly, "Mom, who's gonna protect the Southlands if the Lion Guard doesn't do it?" The Lion Guard looked at Mom with "hmm?" faces. Mom groaned and said, "That's something we'll know in time," the Lion Guard groaned in annoyance and left. I'm surprised they had the audacity to talk to the queen like that.

~1 day later~

The sun finally went down and I was walking through the Southlands with Bakari. "You're gonna make a great queen," he smiled. "Heh. Thanks. I know I am." I smiled back to him.

~On the edge of South Rock~

The Southlanders were underneath the rock of South Rock and Mom came onto the edge of South Rock and announced, "Hello, Southlanders! There's been... a change in plan. Princess Kia will become queen tomorrow night." Everyone gasped. Not the reaction I was hoping for...

~Tomorrow night~

I was up all night and day panicking. And I was panicking now. I panted hard and Nibaal said, "Just breath. This is normal. Everyone gets nervous." "Nibaal, you wouldn't understand. This might be the biggest life-related thing I've ever done." I panicked. "As long as you have family and friends by your side, you'll be fine. You won't freeze and you will do great. Think of how proud your dad would be." Nibaal smiled. I took a deep breath and walked out of the den of South Rock and walked up to the edge of South Rock where my mom, brother, little sister, my best friend, and the Lion Guard were sitting. I took a big sigh then walked out onto the edge. Mom, Kai, Kabira, Omari, and Adira were sitting behind me next to the entrance of South Rock with the Lion Guard. As I walked up the rock of South Rock, all the animals smiled happily. As I walked up, I looked at the sky. Dad, Grandmother Athena, and my other ancestors were in the clouds smiling at me. It started raining as if they were the ones who made it rain. Once I made it to the tip of South Rock, I roared my normal roar and then the rest of the pride roared, too. All the animals of the Southlands bowed down and I finally took my place in the circle of life.

Just ignore the last part and pretend Simba is Kia lol

Mom smiled at me and said through the pouring rain, "You're dad is proud of you," I smiled at her and looked up at the sky. Dad nodded and him and Grandmother Athena disappeared. It's like no one else could see them. But I knew that wasn't true. And finally, after years and years of waiting, I finally became queen. What a journey I've been on. All of them. And of course I gained a role in life that day. But I also lost one, too. I looked down at my shoulder and the Mark of the Guard disappeared. Asha looked at her shoulder and her mark disappeared, too. She sighed sadly. And then it happened to Naju, Kesi, and Kabira. They all lowered their ears but Kabira looked the most hurt. I sighed but smiled at the Southlanders who were cheering and bowing down.

Thanks for reading! Wow, this story is getting more emotional as it comes to an end. Love you guys. You're the best readers ever.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now