~Chapter 8~ The Fight

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Season 1

As I ran after Adira, I felt... fear rushing through my body. I growled and then pounced on Adira. "Dang it, you got me-" Adira said then I cut her off and said, "Adira! Why didn't you listen to me? I told you to stop running!" I said as she was pinned down. "Oh, I- I thought you were just saying that 'cause we were playing tag." Adira said. I groaned and then said, "Let's just get home and then-" I said and then I realized I was talking to nobody. I looked down and saw Adira in the Northlands. I gasped and then said, "Adira! Get up here!" I was whispering a bit but also yelling at the same time. I noticed we were at the edge of the Southlands again. I could even see where I met Alzena. "But this is the Northlands!" Adira said. "Exactly! I know! That's why you need to get up here! Here, I'll help you up!" I said about to grab her scruff but instead she moved and went further into the Northlands. "Adira!" I whispered. "Come on!" Adira exclaimed running around. I rolled my eyes and jumped into the Northlands. I only did it to find Adira and bring her back to the Southlands. "Oh, her mom is DEFINITELY gonna hear about this!" I said to myself as I walked through the Northlands.

I was trembling every step of the way. While I was looking for Adira, the hyenas, Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi were watching me. "Haha! That looks like a meal worth patience! We'll wait until she finds her friend. Then we'll feast, feast, feast, feast!" Chiku, the leader said laughing. Yes, hyenas were crazy. So I looked around at the rocks and ground trying to find Adira. Once I found her, I growled. I ran up to her and stopped at a sharp stop. "Adira! You little-" I started then Adira said, "Who do you think lives here?" "Our enemies! No one good!" I yelled. "How do you know they're our enemies?" Adira asked. Was she serious? "DUH! NORTHLANDERS LIVE HERE! HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT SOUTHERLANDER'S HISTORY!?!?!?!?" I screamed. Adira backed down with her ears behind her. I sighed and said, "Let's just go home. Now!" Adira followed behind be sadly with her tail between her legs. "Oh, I don't think so! Hahahahahahhaha!" Chiku exclaimed running in front of me. The rest of her "worshipers" blocked the edge of the Northlands so that we couldn't go home. I put my ears down violently and said, "Adira! Get behind me!" "Aww, look at that. Protecting your little friend." Chiku said laughing. Yep, totally crazy. "If she's your friend, you two wouldn't be down here. Don't friends listen to friends? She warned you not to come down here and here you are. Down in the Northlands. HAHAHAHHAHA!" Abedi said. "She IS my friend! She's just a bit... stubborn." I said smiling. "No, they're right. We wouldn't be here right now if I had just listened to you." Adira said sadly as she put her ears down. "Adira, this isn't your faul-" I said then Chiku was about to bite me. I knocked Adira out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt and then the three hyenas were cornering me. "OK, yeah, I take it back. This IS all you fault!" I said as I jumped out of the way and Chandu knocked his head into a wall. I stuck my tongue out at him and then headbutted Chiku out of the way. "ADIRA, GO GET HELP!" I yelled. Adira nodded and left back into the Southlands. I was thinking to myself "she better not mess this up and decide not to listen to me again".

~At South Rock~

"Your Majesties! Kia's in trouble! She's in the Northlands!" Adira told Mom and Dad. She was out of breath. Dad gasped and said, "Lionesses! With me!"

~The Northlands~

As I was fighting the hyenas, it looked like they were about to give up. Then I saw... him. Ugh, it was the Northlander I met when I tumbled into this treacherous place. Much to my surprise, he attacked all of the hyenas and Abedi cried, "Woah, easy, cub! It's bad enough a little lioness cub took out three hyenas, we don't need a cub that's a MALE!" The hyenas all ran away. "Wow, you... helped me..." I said. "Don't get used to it. I only fought them because they were in the Northlands. The Northlands aren't even their home." He said. "Oh, OK. Well, I- I better get home." I said looking back at him. The lion cub didn't answer. My ears lowered a bit. "So, uh... bye," I said as I was about to leave. Then rocks blocked off the edge of the Northlands. "No! Dang it..." I said quietly. The cub didn't seem too concerned. Then he finally said, "Um, I know another way for you to get home. But... it'll take a while." I looked at him lifting a paw. "I don't know..." I said. I still didn't trust him. "It's not like I want to help you. I just want you out of my territory." The lion cub said. I looked down trying to think. Should I trust my enemy? What am I saying? Of course I shouldn't ans don't trust him. "OK, I guess," I said still unsure. "K, come on. It'll rain soon." The cub said. As I followed the mysterious cub, I was thinking about Adira.

"Here she is, Your Majest...y..." Adira said then she saw I wasn't there. "Um... what?" Dad said. "I don't understand. This wasn't here before." Adira said. Dad's ears went down and he had a sad expression on his face.


"By the way, I'm Bakari." The cub said. "I'm Princess Kia," I replied. "Princess? Yeah, I know. My mom says I'm a prince just because everyone in the Northlands respects her and honors her like a queen. But I'm really just a cub." The lion cub said. "Well, you technically saved my life so... you're more than just a cub to me." I said smiling. Bakari's ears perked up and his eyes widened. "Yeah, uh, come on," Bakari said jumping over a large rock. Before he left and after I said "he was more than a cub", I saw red on his cheeks. But it was probably just the sun.

Bakari's voice: Jason Marsden

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