~Chapter 15~ A Hurtful Death

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Season 1

A few days later, I was playing with Adira. "It's good to see you again, Kia. You've been so busy lately with the Guard, we haven't spent ANY time together." Adira said. "I know! It's been-" I started then Alzena flew by and said, "Kia! Chiku and her hyenas are attacking again. The zebras down at the river." I groaned and looked at Adira to see her reaction. "It's OK, Kia. It's your duty. Go. I'll go play with someone else." Adira said. Adira's personality was also her weakness. She was super supportive and understanding so I could tell she was upset. In fact, something effected me when I heard her say "I'll go play with someone else". My ears went down as I walked away with Alzena.

~Down at the Akahli River~

Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi were hunched down getting ready to pounce on a zebra. The Lion Guard and I were hiding behind bushes near the river. "OK, here's the plan. Kesi and Naju, attack Abedi. Asha, you take Chandu. And I'll take care of Chiku." I ordered. Chiku growled then she leaped out of the air. But much to her surprise, I leaped out of the air, too and pinned her down to the ground hard. Kesi attacked Abedi head on and then Naju grabbed his tail and threw him into Chiku once I jumped off of her. They both groaned in pain. Asha then bit Chandu's ear and then I used my hind legs and kicked him into the pile of hyenas. Then I said, "Get out," I always warn an enemy and give them a chance to leave before I use the Roar of the Elders on them. Chiku growled and left. "Way to go, guys," I said walking over to the Lion Guard. They all smiled then we went back to the Lion Guard Lair.

A few minutes later, Alzena flew in a said with sadness in her voice, "Princess Kia... your presence is required in South Rock," Alzena then flew away. "That was weird," Asha said. "And bring the members of your pride," Alzena called. I raised my eyebrow as I looked back at the Lion Guard. "No worries. I know I'm not in your pride." Naju said walking off. I sighed and said, "Kesi, Asha, come on,"

~Inside South Rock~

Me, Kesi, and Asha walked inside South Rock. "What's going on?" I asked Mom who was sitting by Grandmother Athena sadly. "Your grandmother is completing her journey in the circle of life..." Mom said. My ears perked up then went back down. I walked over to my grandmother who was laying on the ground and nuzzled her. A single tear dropped from my eye. Kesi and Asha both looked down and lowered their ears. Kabira sat next to Mom sadly with her ears down, too. "Kia, no matter what anyone else says, don't give up on your dreams. You might do more than you ever thought possible." Grandmother Athena said. "But... what if I can't be a good queen?" I asked. "Only you can decide if you will be a good queen or not." Grandmother Athena said breathing heavily. "And if I have a bad day?" I asked once more. Grandmother hesitated for a moment then said, "Even on the darkest day... there's hope," "Even on the darkest day there's hope..." I said to myself. My Grandmother was always so wise. "And Kabira," Grandmother Athena said. Kabira walked over to Grandmother and nuzzled her. "Kabira, don't give up. You have a purpose in life. You'll know what your destiny is in the future." Grandmother smiled. Kabira smiled at her. "Kazija, I am proud of the king you have become. The Southlands are so fortunate to have a king like you ruling over it." Grandmother said. Dad nodded and nuzzled Grandmother Athena. "I couldn't have done it without you." Dad said. "Kamaria, you are a strong and beautiful lioness. You have ruled the Southlands with heart and compassion for many years all the way to now. And I am happy to call you my daughter." Grandmother Athena said putting out her paw. Mom looked down smiling and put her paw on Grandmother's paw. Mom nuzzled Grandmother a bit. "Thank you, Your Majesty," Mom said. Grandmother Athena soon died. My eyes filled with tears. Kabira nuzzled into Mom's leg and Mom nuzzled back and then nuzzled Dad. I looked back at Asha and Kesi. They both closed their eyes with their ears down. "She was a wise lion." Asha said. "Her presence will be missed by all of us." Kesi finished. I looked back at my grandmother who was dead. I walked over to Mom, Dad, and Kabira weakly. Mom and Dad nuzzled me as I nuzzled Kabira. I saw Kesi and Asha leaving South Rock. I ran over to them and asked, "What are you guys doing?" "Somebody has to tell the Southlanders that the former ruler of the Southlands has died. We're just sitting out on South Rock and waiting until your father tells them." Kesi said. "Oh," I said putting my ears down as I looked down. Asha put her paw on my shoulder in comfort. I teared up again and cried.

A few minutes later, after Dad told everyone Grandmother Athena was dead, everyone was devastated. But it was just part of the circle of life. And one day, the same thing would happen to me. At Grandmother's funeral, I shed a tear. I nuzzled Kabira's head. As the Southlanders all dropped flowers on Grandmother Athena, it became sunset.

I was sitting on the edge of South Rock looking at the sunset. My ears were lowered and I had a sad expression on my face. "Goodbye, Grandmother," I said looking at the sunset still. Small flower petals came flying by and around me. I knew it was my Grandmother. I smiled a bit then walked into South Rock and fell asleep eventually.

Hope you liked this part, guys! Love you! I can tell that this story isn't as popular as my Lion Guard one because it doesn't have near as many views... or votes. Or any comments besides mine. Lol.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now