~Chapter 27~ Christmas Pt. 8

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~Christmas Eve night~

"OK here's the plan. Kesi and Asha, you two take care of the East and West of the Southlands. Naju and Kabira, you guys take care of the South and North of the Southlands. I'll go to the Northlands." I said. "K," Naju said.

~A few hours in the Southlands~

I was walking around the Northlands, thinking I was alone until a saw Luna. I smiled but before I could say something, she misunderstood the situation and pounced on me. "Kia!? What are you doing in the Northlands in the middle of the night?!" She asked, still on top of me. I grunted as I used my paw to get her off of me. "I just... ugh, came here to... eh! Would you get off me!?" I yelled. She got off of me and I sat down breathing heavily. "I'm here to give you guys a present. You're invited to the Southland's Christmas party! It's tomorrow at evening and lasts until midnight." I said getting ready to walk away. "......You want to invite... us... to a party...? Luna asked. "Of course. I'm not insensitive." I said as I jumped off of a rock and ran back to the Southlands. Luna looked down then looked back up and smiled a little.

~A few hours later~

I went back to the Lion Guard and said, "Are all the gifts taken care of?" "Yep," Naju said. "Affirmative," Kesi said. "Great. And look, it's almost sunrise." I looked up at the sky. "We gotta get back to South Rock." Naju said. "Before anyone wakes up." Asha said. "K, I'll follow behind." I said as the Lion Guard walked back to South Rock together.

Asha's mind

My mom's gonna kill me for being gonna so long.


I woke up and yawned. Kabira jumped on me and said, "It's Christmas morning, big sister!" This got me fully awake and I stood up. I chuckled and said, "Merry Christmas, Kabira," I looked over and saw Kesi, Asha, and Naju in one big pile, laying on top of each other in the the den of South Rock. "I didn't know Naju was gonna stay the night here." I said looking at him. "Oh, you didn't hear? Dad's welcoming him into our pride tomorrow." Kabira said. "Wow, that's great news." I said to her. "Do you think all the Southlanders liked their gifts?" Kabira asked. "They better have! Naju and I ran all the way across the Savanna to find that Tumboa plant!" Kesi said as she walked over to me and Kabira. "Merry Christmas, guys," she smiled. "Merry Christmas," Kabira and I chuckled. "Well! While you guys go do... whatever it is you're gonna do, I'm gonna go get a drink from the lake." Kesi said as she left.

~At the lake~

Kesi was licking the water when she looked up and saw Diamanto. She widened her eyes and whispered, "What are you doing here?! Get out of here!! You know you're not allowed here!" "Why? Because I'm a Northlander?" Diamanto asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes!! Exactly, now you're getting it!" Kesi praised sarcastically. "Look, I don't care if I get seen. I wanna spend the holidays with you. Or at least five minutes of the holidays with you." Diamanto said. Kesi smiled with a little blush. "And besides, you're my girlfriend. Which means we HAVE to hang out. Or else you'll be a bad girlfriend." Diamanto joked. Kesi chuckled and shook her head as she looked down. "Hey, wait... maybe you can spend the holidays with me in the Southlands without it even being a bad thing! Kia's hosting a Christmas party tonight for all the Southlanders and the Northlanders are invited, too! I can... ask... her if I can invite ONE friend- that's you, if I can invite you over early so we can... hang out and... stuff." Kesi smiled . "Great! See you then. I'll be by the waterfall in the Northlands." Diamanto said running back to the Northlands. Kesi smiled big and then looked around.

Hey, guys, sorry this was such a short chapter! Good news! The Christmas chapters are almost over. There's only one more to go!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now