~Chapter 12~ Lions in the Southlands

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Season 1

That same day, the Lion Guard was back on patrol. "I don't hear or see any trouble at the moment." Naju said looking around. "That's because you're not the keenest of sight." Asha said laughing. Kesi joined her. "No, it's BECAUSE the grass is too tall to see anything." Naju said glaring. Asha rolled her eyes. "Guys, stop," I said. "Kia!" Alzena called as she was circling above us. I turned to her and said, "Hey, Alzena, wanna stay for a bit? Heh... please?" "A mysterious group of lions are making their way into the Southlands. About five of them." Alzena reported. "OK. Thanks. Lion Guard, let's go. Alzena, how far into the Southlands are they?" I said getting in front of the Lion Guard. "About ten seconds away from the boarder. They seemed to have come from the Northlands." Alzena answered. "Northlanders?!" Asha freaked standing up violently. "We don't know that yet. Come on, Lion Guard. We'll figure out what's going on." I said leading the Lion Guard to the boarder of the Southlands. "'Till the Southlands end..." I started. "Lion Guard defend!" The rest of the Lion Guard yelled, following me. Alzena flew away to South Rock to tell Dad about the lions in the Southlands.

~A few minutes later~

I stopped in the tall grass and hunched down low so I wouldn't be seen. I stopped Asha, Naju, and Kesi and told them to hide, too. Well not hide. More like spy. I looked at the lions and turned around to the Lion Guard. "Alzena was right. There's lions in the Southlands. And they're not from our pride." I said. "And I've definitely never seen them in the Southlands as Southlanders..." Kesi said. I walked professionally slowly through the tall, spiky, green grass, then said, "Come on," as the Lion Guard followed me, Kesi looked at Naju and gulped. "Kesi, if you want to be on this team, you have to stop being afraid of everything and just go for it. These lions could be a threat to your home." I said firmly. The Lion Guard walked out of the tall grass normally but protectively. The lioness who seemed to be leading them looked at me. "Who are you guys and what do you want?" I asked. The leader growled lowly. "Don't think I didn't hear that low growl." I glared as I walked around them. Then I saw... Luna. "Luna?" I said. Luna's ears perked up and she said in a surprising way, "Kia?" "You two know each other, Luna?" The lioness leader asked. She seemed concerned. "Sort of..." Luna said. "I met her briefly when I was trapped in the Northlands. Now you guys didn't answer my question. Who are you and what do you want?" I asked lowering my ears violently. "That's actually two questions." One of the lionesses said. I rolled my eyes annoyed and said, "You have until the count of three..." "Fine. I'm Keres. And this is my pride. And yes, we ARE Northlanders but it's for a good reason." The lioness leader said. I was was bit suspicious because the name "Keres" meant evil or evil spirits. I stood my ground with the Lion Guard behind me. "And what's that?" I asked. "THIS!" Keres yelled as she pounced on me. Naju growled. Luna attacked him. "IT'S AN AMBUSH!" Asha yelled. "What do we do?!" Kesi asked. "Kesi, remember what I said. We're the Lion Guard! We can do anything." I said once I pushed Keres off of me. Kesi nodded. "Naju, take the two lionesses that are with Keres. Asha, you get the lioness next to Keres. Kesi, think you can handle Luna?" I ordered. Kesi nodded. "Great. I'll attack Keres." I said. The Lion Guard did as they were told.

~A few minutes later~

Once Keres couldn't take anymore, she told her lions to back off and run off. But I pinned Luna down and said, "Where's your brother?!" "I don't have to tell you anything!" Luna said using her hind legs and kicking me off her. She disappeared into the Northlands. I was about to follow her but then Kesi stood in front of me and said, "She's not worth it." I sighed and looked down. "Let's just focus on our patrol." Kesi smiled at me then walked away.

~Later at South Rock~

"Hi, Kia. All done patrolling?" Mom asked me as she was laying down. "Yeah, for now," I told her. "Good. Because your father wants to show you something." Mom said. I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head in confusion. "OK? Will it be long? The Lion Guard and I need to go back to patrolling soon." I said. Mom chuckled as she got up. "Trust me, it'll be worth it. Kazija! It's time!" Mom said calling to Dad. "Follow me, princess," Dad said walking out of South Rock. I followed him.

Dad showed me an entrance on the side of South Rock that was covered by vines. "Woah..." I said walking off into the dark hole. Then it was bright. There I saw Asha, Kesi, and Naju. "Kesi, Asha, Naju? What are you doing here?" I wondered. "I sent Alzena to find them. I wanted them to be here when I showed you this place- the Lair of the Lion Guard." Dad said. "The... Lair of the Lion Guard?" I said looking at the Lion Guard. "We don't know anything about this place either. We just decided to rest here." Kesi said. It looked like they all made themselves at home. They were all laying down resting. I chuckled then looked back at Dad with a raised eyebrow. "The Lair of the Lion Guard or the Lion Guard Lair is a hidden place within South Rock and the designated meeting and resting place for the Lion Guard." Dad explained. "Wow, this Lion Guard stuff just gets better and better. All the stuff we get to have!" Naju exclaimed. Asha looked at him with her eyebrow half raised and a glare on her face. "Wow, Dad. This place is amazing." I said smiling. "Yes, well, now that you've seen it you should go back on patrol." Dad said. "Go on, everybody. I'll catch up." I said. I turned to Dad curling my tail and said, "Dad, lions were heading into the Southlands earlier today. I think the leader of the Northlands was up to something. She tried to attack me today." "Hmm... I see," Dad said. "But the Lion Guard and I fought them off." I said standing tall. "Excellent work, princess. Keep up the good leading." Dad said as he walked away. But I wasn't sure how much of a leader I was...

That's it for now, everyone! Bye for now! Can't wait for you to see my next chapter of the Lion Guard story.

Keres's voice: Wendee Lee (she voiced the Evil Queen in Ever After High)

Luna's voice: Erin Fitzgerald (voice of Raven Queen from Ever After High)

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