~Chapter 72~ Solar Eclipse Pt. 4

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Season 5 - Special

~1 month later~

Asha finally learned to use her powers to get what she wanted and I've been working on a way to get her to change sides with others. River, Aurora, and Misty all ran under my legs and started laughing. "Can't catch me!" Misty exclaimed. "That's what you think!" Aurora said. Aurora had Kesi's bold and self-confident personality. "Um, cubs? Could you play somewhere else?" I asked them with a muffled mouth. They didn't hear me or just ignored me and kept on playing. Kesi roared and they all looked at her in fear. "Auntie Kia is trying to work and you guys aren't making it any easier," Kesi said with a stern look but gentle voice. "Heh, we were just leaving," River chuckled and then ran off fast with his two sisters close behind him. I let go of the thing that was in my mouth and looked over at Kesi and said, "Wow, and I thought I had the stern parent," I lowered my head to pick something up and got back to work. Kesi laughed and said, "Well I'd be happy to give you tips whenever you like," "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked looking up at her with a puzzled face. I knew where this was going. She was gonna mention Bakari. "You know what it's supposed to mean. You know, when you have cubs. I'd be happy to give you some parenting tips. "I can handle kids, thanks," I said to her sarcastically with a facial expression that said "I know how to do this". I scoffed and said, "Kesi, don't get ahead of yourself. Bakari hasn't even proposed to me and I haven't proposed to him. He's still just my boyfriend." "Just your boyfriend..?" Kesi asked looking at me puzzled and confused. Even though they're the same thing... I noticed it and said, "Ugh, Kesi, don't be like that. You know what I mean. Bakari is a great boyfriend and I kinda just want it to stay this way for a while." "So you think that he's a good boyfriend but don't think he'll be a good husband or father?" Kesi asked with a confused look again. "What? No. K-Kesi, you're taking this the wrong way-" I told her. Kesi looked at me confused again. Then Malaika came running up and said, "Kia! C'mere..." I ran and followed Malaika to South Rock with Kesi right behind me. This had to do with South Rock? Now I knew something was wrong.

~Up at South Rock~

I walked into South Rock with Kesi and saw Asha and Mom on the other side of each other. They were both in fighting position... "What's going on?!" I asked looking at Naju. "A fight. That's what's going on." Naju said, not even looking at me and just staring at the two lionesses. "You know, Your Majesty, this would be so much easier if you would just back down from the throne. That way we wouldn't have to fight for it." Asha told Mom smirking. "Asha, you're mad. Just stop this insane mess, give the Moonstone back to the Moon Forest or whatever it's called these days so that you're beautiful eye color will come back, and enjoy life! Cause you will have nothing here if you make me fight you." Mom said. She made a really good point. If someone as evil as Asha took over the Southlands, the Southlanders would eventually leave and then what would Asha have? Nothing. "Nice try, Your Highness. But I'm not falling for any more tricks or games." Asha smirked unleashing her claws. Mom growled and said, "I'm not playing a game! Asha, who were you before you came into the Southlands and Kia marked you bravest of the Lion Guard?" "Pfft, what's that matter?" Asha asked with a raised eyebrow. "You're not the queen yet. I am. So I demand you answer me." Mom said with a stricter voice. Asha rolled her eyes slightly and let out a big sigh before she started to look up and think. "Let's see. I was a Northlander- I think. And I... I... um..." Asha started to stutter. Could she not remember? "Huh," Asha said looking up and then down. Mom tilted her head but she looked like she knew exactly what was happening. Asha looked up at her and said, "I... don't remember..." "That's what happens when someone uses the Moonstone's or Sundrop's power for evil. There's so much evil in their body that there's not enough room for the goodness and good memories they have inside them. So whichever element they have stored inside them takes them out. And just leaves you with a broken heart. And eventually forget who you were before." Mom explained with a frown the whole time. Asha looked down. "Asha, I know there's good inside of you. There always was. You just need to let it back in. Fight this cruelty and criminal-like trash out of you. So that you can let your love, real you, and your friends back into you're heart." Mom said to her. ".....You don't understand... This is all I have." Asha said. Mom just shook her head in disappointment. "Maybe since she can't remember all of the good times, maybe we can remind her." Kesi told me. I looked at her. "Kabira, you first," Kesi smiled. "Oh. Um... OK. Uh... Asha." Kabira started. Asha looked over at her quickly turning her head. "Do you remember last winter when the lake was frozen and we all wanted to go slide on the ice? Remember when I was so afraid to get on the ice because it was slippery? And remember how annoyed you were? But despite the annoyance, remember when you held me up while I started to skate. And when you knew I was ready, you let me go. And now, I'm not scared anymore. And that's all because of you." Kabira told her story with a chuckle. Asha thought for a minute then said, "Yeah... I remember that... but what's that got to do with-" "Yo, Asha, remember that Halloween when I was talking to Kia and as I was occupied with that, you came up and scared me? And then for the rest of the day we kept pranking and scaring each other?" Naju said, cutting her off. Asha laughed a little and said, "Yeah, I remember that. Somehow." In the shadows, there were two electric blue eyes watching her. "Hey, Asha, remember when we were going to the mud pots but you didn't want to because I was going to get pampered? You were so bored while I was relaxing in the mud. That day, you were longing for some fun. So then you just had enough and jumped into the mud and started splashing me. I was so mad but you taught me something: I've gotta get a little dirty to have fun sometimes." Kesi smiled. Asha looked down smiling. And I could see the smile, too. "OK, my turn," I said excitedly as I budged through Kesi and Naju. Everyone in South Rock which included my pride started laughing. Asha just chuckled though. "Asha? Remember that time you signed up for the Challenge of the Brave? And I didn't know you didn't want anything to do with me in the game- sorry, challenge so I signed up, too. You always hated me ever since. And that's when I realized. NEVER sign up for a challenge when Asha is in it." I said. As I said my story, Asha was already laughing super hard. The eyes that were watching her were now making a sound of low growling. Like they didn't want her to laugh. Asha took a deep breath and redeemed herself. "I bet you haven't laughed like that in a long time," Mom smiled. Asha looked at her. "Kia has usually always beat you at everything and it made you hate her. But a gut instinct was telling you that Kia is the future queen which means she'll always get more of the attention. It's just how it goes." Mom paused for a sec then continued. "And you know the best way to thaw your frozen heart... is to give to those in need." Mom told her. Light started going around Asha and she said with a small gasp and a worried expression, "What's happening to me?!" "Memory. Memory is happening to you." Mom said. "........" Was all Asha could say. "It's time to let love back into your heart," Mom told her. A beam of light shot from Asha and the tuft of fur on her head came back instead of that awful unfashionable hairstyle she had goin' on. Her eye color changed back to normal. She laid on the ground looking lifeless. I attempted to walk over to her but Naju and Kesi put their paw in front of my legs which was just a few inches away from my chest and Kesi said, "Just... wait. OK?" Asha opened her eyes and got up. Everyone gasped happily. Kai smiled at Mom. "I... I'm so sorry..." Asha said sounding confused as she lifted her paw a little. Asha pushed it further and nuzzled Mom but nudging her head into Mom's chest. Mom looked down at her and said, "We love you, Asha," "I... I love y-" Asha started then Bakari interuptted budging past everyone and standing right in front of me. "Kia, I gotta ask you this now before something else goes wrong. Will you-" Bakari started then of course, something else went wrong. South Rock started crumbling as a big gust of wind surrounded us then a wizard-lion looking thing stood in front of us. He laughed evily and said, "That was so sweet. It's too bad I get to destroy you all now!" The Moonstone arrived in his hand. The Sundrop flower just left my body and I groaned a little bit. Sahir laughed evily and said, "NOW THE SUNDROP AND MOONSTONE ARE MINE! AND SO IS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Asha and I looked at him in fear, confused, and Asha looked at him in shock. "I give up," Bakari growled, pouting in the corner somewhere.

Thanks for reading. Love y'all. I'm exhausted, that's why I'm not using exclamation points. Anyway, do you think Bakari will ever get the chance to ask Kia? Lol, let me know in the comments below. PLEASE. Goodnight all around the world.

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