~Chapter 57~ We're with you, Kia

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Season 4

~The day before the war~

I sat on the edge of South Rock looking out at the horizon. My ears were folded back. Mom walked over and sat next to me and only said, "Big day tomorrow," I nodded my head. Mom looked at me then said, "It'll be fine. We'll be fine. We're gonna win this war." I had a complexed look on my face as I looked at the ground. As I did that, I said, "I just really wish I could get them to change sides. Keres is just so angry. I guess I... I don't know. I guess I just feel a little bad for her." Mom looked at me again then put her arm around me and said, "Huh, would ya look at that? Princess Kia, future queen of the Southlands having sympathy for the enemy. That's very mature, Kia." I chuckled a little then looked out into the distance. "What's that?" I wondered. Kabira came walking through South Rock at the right time. "Kabira, check this out," I called to her. Kabira walked over then used her keen sight to see what was going on out in the distance. "Wow," she only said. "What's goin' on over there?" I asked being a little more clear. "Oh. Crystal, Luna, Bakari, that lion that Kesi married, and a few other Northlander lionesses are making their way into the Southlands." Kabira explained. Then she walked away as she said, "Bye," "Bye?" Mom said back feeling so abandoned.

I walked over to Crystal and the others when they got close enough to South Rock. I technically jumped off of South Rock but whatever. I hugged Crystal tight. "What are you guys doing here? I'm pretty sure Northlanders aren't the characters animals wanna see the day before the war." I chuckled then finished by adding, "Especially since the war is between the Northlanders and the Southlanders." "Yes, but we were willing to take that chance. My story is, the Northland lionesses I have with me and I don't wanna fight for the Northlands. We wanna fight for the Southlands. If you'll let us." Luna told me. I was shocked. "Luna, why would you wanna help us?" I asked her. "When I first met you, I wasn't the nicest lion to be around. But you decided to let it go and then while we were in the events of Kesi's wedding, we started to become friends. You could've let me fall off that cliff but you didn't. Consider this a thank you." Luna answered. I smiled at her and looked at Bakari. My smile went to a frown when I looked at him. "How 'bout you? What's your story?" I asked with a snarky tone and an eyebrow raised. "Consider it an apology. I know I really messed up but I think the real reason I did what I did was because-" Bakari started then Asha came out of NOWHERE and said, "The reason you tried to kill her or the reason you tried to gain her trust?" Bakari glared at her and said, "The reason I tried to gain her trust. I think reason I did what I did was because... I like you, Kia. A lot. Not sure if you have the same feelings but... I do like you. You've inspired me to become a better lion and I'm trying. Really hard." I was just silent the whole time. "Enough of this mushy stuff. I came back because I heard about this war and wanted to help because... you're my friend. In fact, if you hadn't helped me a year ago, I wouldn't be here right now. You've inspired me to help animals in need. And you guys could use some help, heh." Crystal said with a chuckle. I chuckled back and said in between laughing, "Yeah, probably," Luna then said bowing down, "You are an inspiration to us all, Princess Kia," then the others bowed down as well. I smiled at them all and said, "I'm glad. Luna, you and your lionesses are welcomed to stay in the Southlands tonight. It'll probably give you more sleep so you can fight in the morning." "Thanks, Kia. Eleri here was just about to ask." Luna said looking back at one of the lionesses from the Northland pride. I smiled and walked up to South Rock again once I told everyone they were welcomed to stay in the Southlands until after the war.

~On the edge of South Rock~

Not long after all of that sappy stuff happened, it became sunset. I was back on the edge of South Rock again looking out into the horizon. But this time, it was Luna who joined me. As much as I love the company of Mom, Kabira, and loved the company of my dad, sometimes I just really wanted to sit on the edge of South Rock by myself. Silence and aloneness helps me think. "Wow, I have never been up here before," Luna said walking around on the edge of South Rock. I lifted my head higher and warned her, "Just don't fall," "So what do you do up here?" Luna asked completely ignoring my warning. "I just-woah! OK, hehe, yeah, come sit over here." I said to her once I saw her back paw sliding off the edge without her even knowing. She sat next to me on my left and then she looked out at the horizon with me. "I come up here to think or just to look at the sunset," I said, still watching the sun set over my kingdom. I then asked as my head was laying on Luna's shoulder, "Hey, Luna? You ever wonder how your mom got like this?" Luna let out a big sigh and then said, "I... I can't even answer that. I know she's crazy, that's for sure. But... somewhere deep inside somewhere... I know she's trying to make it through life." My head was still on Luna's shoulder as I was looking out at the horizon then I said, "Are you afraid of her?" "Sometimes. But I know deeo down, mega deep inside somewhere... she loves me. I just really want her to take care of her home. She's been so busy thinking about war that she hasn't been taking care of the Northlands. She takes care of her pride but... sometimes I think that's not enough, you know?" Luna answered. I didn't say anything though. "How 'bout you? Were you afraid of your dad?" She asked looking down at me. "I just really wanted him to be proud of me. He got so mad when I disappointed him." I said. "Heh, yeah, Bakari can relate. You're lucky though. Me and Bakari didn't even know our dad." Luna said then walked away. She laid down somewhere in the den and fell asleep. I laid next to my mom then fell asleep, too. I was gonna need all the rest I could get tonight. That's why I slept early at sunset. Tomorrow... was gonna be the biggest day of my life.

Thanks for reading! Kia and Luna had a moment there, lol. Like a sisterly moment. Also, anyone who has any ideas for the story, questions, wants something to happen, or characters to have some moments together, feel free to tell me in the comments, my message feed conversation thing, or message me! Love y'all!

Quote for the chapter: I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say a "because of you, I didn't give up".

(Xd, that's the best quote I could find about inspiration)

Also, everyone still has the same voice. That's why I haven't put character's voice actors for a long time.

I think I'm gonna finish the story before December! Yay!! I'm gonna win the bet! In fact, I just raised the bet if I finish the story before December.

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