~Chapter 76~ The Grand Council

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Season 5

So I've been queen of the Southlands for a week now. And man, it's been busy! It's the dry season so animals are kinda grumpy. Lots of things have changed, too. For one, Cosmos is the royal science ner- I mean, royal sorcerer/engineer at South Rock. And Bakari? He's king! And no, the Southlanders weren't taking it easy on him. I panted as I walked up South Rock. Mom was sitting there as if she was waiting for me. I looked up at her panting and said with a slightly raised eyebrow, "Hi?" "Kia, do you need some help?" She asked again. Lately I've been really busy and not making the BEST choices. I've been really tired! "No, Mom! I'm fine!" I told her as I growled walking away. Mom just groaned rolling her eyes then walked away.

I was laying on the savanna ground looking at it when Naju walked over and said, "Hey, Kia," I looked up at him and smiled, "Hey, Naju. What's up?" "Just walkin' around. Completely bored." He frowned. "My life's been a mess since you gave up your role in the Lion Guard. I've literally got nothing to do anymore." He continued. "Yeah..." I smiled a bit. "Gotta say, I'm missing our morning patrols," He told me. "I know... I miss them, too," I told him and then I saw a gazelle herd and zebra herd stomping over to me angrily. I rolled my eyes and said, "You gotta be kidding me!" "Queen Kia! We need to talk to you!" The gazelle leader, Adiah yelled. I took a deep breath holding in my anger and said in the best voice I could, "Yes? Adiah?" "The zebras won't stop eating our grazing grounds!" Adiah complained. "YOUR grazing grounds?! Adiah, those are OUR grazing grounds!" The other zebra leader, Jina declined. Adiah glared at her and looked back to me. "Uh... uh..." I eventually started panicking in ny head. Then Naju stepped up and suggested, "Uh, why don't you two herds take shifts?" Both leaders looked at him with confused looks. "Shifts?" They both asked looking at each other. Naju smiled and said, "Yeah. Jina, zebras spend 18 hours a day eating right? So why don't you and your herd start grazing at maybe earlier than dawn, and then eat until sunset. That way you can do your "avoiding predators" thing at sunset so that the gazelles have a chance to eat at sunset until early in the morning?" Jina and Adiah looked at each other then nodded. "Alright, Naju, we will do that. Thanks." Adiah said walking away. Then the two animals started up a conversation about pampering themselves or whatever. I looked at Naju surprised and said, "Wow. Thanks, Naju. You really saved my tail there." "No problem. Happy to do it. You looked really stressed there." He replied. "Heh. Being queen is... hard." I said with a smiley sigh. "I bet. Well if you ever need any more help doing your job, I'm right here. See ya, Your Majesty." Naju said sarcastically bowing down then running off. I growled and walked away.

I went up to South Rock and Mom walked over. "Mom! You have GOT to stop doing that!" I told her panting a bit. "Sorry, sorry. So I saw how Naju helped you out today." Mom started. I interuptted by saying, "Ugh, great. Does everybody know my former Lion Guard partner helped me do my job today?" Mom raised her eyebrow in annoyance and continued, "Kia, when every lion or lioness becomes queen or king, they need some help at first. This help is called a Grand Council. It's made up of 12 or less animals, specifically lions, who help you make the right choices on your path to becoming queen." "Path to becoming queen? What are you talking about, I'm the full-on queen!" I told her. "Yes but the kingdom's bylaws state that the former ruler must die before the future ruler takes their place. And as we know, I gave you the throne instead so yes you are still queen but you still need some help." Mom told me. "Help? Mom, I can be queen myself. And I'm not exactly ruling by myself. Bakari will be ruling, too." I told her. "I trust you'll be a great queen. But you're still having a Grand Council." Mom said firmly, raising an eyebrow. "Fine," I mumbled folding my ears back violently.

I walked through the Southlands with a mad expression on my face. "Does she know what she's talking about? I can handle it! I'm just gonna have to show her I can rule without help." I said to myself. Kesi walked over and smiled, "Hi, Kia," "What do you want?" I asked with a neutral expression, knowing that she wanted something. "Who says I want anything?" Kesi protested. I rolled my eyes. Just as I was about to say something else, she blurted out with a calm sort of voice, "Can I be on your Grand Council?" I gasped and walked away furiously. "Come on, I'm really good at that sort of thing!" Kesi pleaded running after me.

After all day of trying to prove myself and failing, I decided and kind of realized myself that I did need a grand council. I sighed and walked into South Rock. The Lion Guard and my mom were sitting in there then they all looked at me when I walked in. Sorry, I know they're not the Lion Guard anymore. Up to this point, the Lion Guard doesn't even exist anymore. But I've known them as that and it's gonna be hard to change that. I sighed once more and said, "Alright. I'll choose the members of the Grand Council tomorrow night at the Halloween party." Everyone cheered and I sighed a little. "You made the right choice, Kia," Mom said putting her arm around my neck. "Thanks, Mom," I smiled at her then looked down again.

Thanks for reading! So the next chapter will TECHNICALLY be a part 2 but not exactly lol. Make sense? That's why I didn't write "The Grand Council Pt. 1". Anyway, love you guys.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now