~Chapter 87~ The Santa Cubs Pt. 5

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Season 6 - Movie

The Santa Cubs flew through the night gracefully but quickly. They lost a lot of time. But they already delivered a lot of presents all around the world and the savanna.

~At the North Pole~

"Alright,they've made it to the Northern Kingdoms," an elf said looking at the big screened Santa Tracker.

The cubs stopped at the Northern Kingdom and landed the sleigh. Holly went into the dens quickly trying to make up for lost time and got the presents in and then jumped back into the sleigh. "Let's go!" Holly said looking at the cubs who were looking back at her. The cubs took off again and started flying to their next destination.

~At the North Pole~

"Next stop: The Mystics." The elf said. The cubs stopped and Holly jumped out of the sleigh. She ran all around the dens, holes, caves, and waters in the Mystics delivering presents. Once she was done, she ran back to the sleigh and jumped in. She tugged the reins and the cubs took off again.

~At the North Pole~

"They've made it to the Outlands," the elf said again. Santa Paws smiled a bit.

The cubs took off once again and landed in the elephant graveyard in the Outlands. "This place gives me the creeps..." River said trembling. "Oh, it's not that bad," Holly chuckled getting out of the sleigh and grabbing the gifts. "Whatever. Just... deliver the gifts and let's get out of here." River said looking around cautiously with a bit of worry on his face. "Aww, is someone scared?" Cadance teased elbowing him. "Where's your holly-jolly attitude?" Holly asked chuckling. "Back in the Southlands. Where we should be." River said raising an eyebrow. Holly gave him a look and said, "Hang in there," she then delivered all the gifts all around the Outlands to all those who were good. Hint: Not a lot. And the cubs were on their way again.

~At the North Pole~

"The Pridelands!" The elf exclaimed.

The cubs flew around a place that looked like South Rock. I think it was called Pride Rock. After Holly delivered the presents around the Pridelands, the cubs landed on the edge of Pride Rock. Holly got out of the sleigh quietly but with agility and sat the presents down in the den. Before she sat the presents down, she saw the pride laying in the den sleeping. The couples cuddled up together and the cubs were sleeping in a pile. Holly smiled small at this and left Pride Rock and soon the Pridelands.

~At the North Pole~

"The Snow Empire," the elf smiled. Frosty smiled relieved.

It was 1 hour 'till dawn and the cubs still had a few destinations to make. The flew over the Snow Empire and delivered presents. .........Then went back to a few places they missed.

They went to the Eastlands and delivered some presents. And then......

~At the North Pole~

"The Southlands," the elf smiled relieved. Santa got up and smiled. "THEY DID IT! THEY SAVED CHRISTMAS!!!" He exclaimed happily. Everyone in the workshop cheered. "Maybe there can be a girl Santa after all," Santa Paws said.

~In the Southlands~

The cubs landed the sleigh, looked over at Holly, and smiled at her. Holly got out of the sleigh and said, "Thank you so much for helping me save Christmas. I couldn't have done it without you guys." Holly said. "Hey. We're all friends here. If you ever need any help, we're your buddies." River smiled.

A/N: Yes, another movie quote

Holly untacked the cubs and smiled with a relieved sigh. She looked a bit sad. She jumped in the sleigh ready to leave. "Wait. Aren't you supposed to bring everyone a Christmas gift or something?" Cadance asked looking at Holly. "I did. They're standing right in front of me." Holly answered with a smile. Then she added, "And they're about to get trampled," "Huh?" River asked. Donner, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, and Blitzen were diving in fast. "EVERYONE TAKE COVER!!!!" River yelled and then they all jumped behind rocks.

Holly's mind

Their pride is gonna wake up for sure *Rolls eyes*

The reindeer landed on the edge of South Rock and Holly tacked them up. As she got in the sleigh, River and the others walked over to her and River asked looking up at her, "Will we ever see you again?" Once Holly got situated and the reins were in her mouth, she looked down at him then the others and said with a smile, "Every December 24th," she then made the reins touch the reindeer a bit and they started trotting, then cantering, then running, then jumped and were now flying. As the reindeer flew the sleigh across the moon, Holly exclaimed, "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!" Her voice then added, "Man, that's fun to say!" Once she was fully out of sight, River chuckled shaking his head as he walked into the den. Cadance was waiting for him on the edge of South Rock. The cubs cuddled close to their parents. I woke up a little and looked down. I saw Cadance curled up next to me. Kesi saw her four cubs curled up next to her, too. I smiled as I looked over at Kesi who was on the other side of the den. She was smiling at me. I kept my smile at her and then laid my head down on Cadance's back and slept.

My mind

She is SO explaining why she wasn't here for Christmas Eve 😏

~The next morning~

So it was Christmas day and the animals of the Southlands were opening presents, playing together, and just having fun. This was truly the best Christmas ever. Bakari walked over to me and smiled at Cadance. Asha was having a DEADLY snowball fight with Naju. He smirked and pounced on her. Of course, she won.

My mind

I have a great life

Thanks for reading. I wasn't really sure how to end this chapter. But yeah. So I just want everyone to know... the last chapter is after this one. I've planned what the finale is gonna be since I started the story in March. And it's gonna be the saddest out of the whole story. I'm gonna write the finale either tonight or tomorrow. But I don't know when I'm gonna publish it. I'm not totally ready to press the "complete" button on this story. So you'll have to wait for the ending for a while. Or maybe not. I haven't totally decided. K, bye, love you guys. Imagine this as.... "The Last Chapter Eve". I don't even wanna say "lol" at the end of that because it's not exactly happy for me. I'm gonna be pretty lucky if I'm not depressed the SECOND I publish the next/finale chapter. K, Ima shut up now.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now