~Chapter 29~ A Lost Friend

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Season 2

I was walking through the Southlands for a free-from-everything walk until Athena flied down over to me and called, "Kia! King Kazija and Queen Kamaria need you! A member of the pride is... missing!!" I raised my eyebrow in confusion and went to South Rock.

~At South Rock~

Once I made it to South Rock and stopped at a sharp stop, I stopped too sharply, and knocked into a pride member. "Do you know what's going on, Kia?!? What are we gonna do??!!" Kesi freaked pinning me down. I folded my ears back in a weird submissive way and said, "Uh... I don't know. All I found out just now is that a pride member is missing. I don't know who or-" "IT'S ADIRA!!!" Kesi blurted. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped a little. I know Adira wasn't really my friend anymore- or at least... we didn't talk to each other at all anymore. Anyway, because it was like I didn't even know her anymore, I wasn't too worried. But she was still a member of my pride and future subject so I was still going to try to find her. "OK... well... calm down. We'll find her. Lion Guard!" I called then Naju, Asha, and Kabira ran over. "Yes?" Kabira said. "Baby sis, you and Kesi will check the Northlands. Naju, you go check around South Rock. She may have found her way back. Asha, you and I will go look around the nearby forest." I ordered. "K, and by the way, you really need to stop calling me "baby sis"." Kabira said. "Nah, you're still the same blind little sister to me." I joked. "Blind?! I'm the keenest of si-" Kabira started then Dad said, "Go!"

~Meanwhile in the Northlands~

"K, stay cautious. We're in the Northlands so we have to keep an eye out." Kesi said. "It's what I do best," Kabira said looking at the ashy ground. Then Kesi and Kabira called out, "Adira!"

~Acacia Forest~

"Adira!" I called out. But there was no answer. It had now been an hour since the Lion Guard and I set out to find Adira. I was starting to get worried. "Oh, where is she?" I asked with my voice breaking with fear. "Don't freak out, Kia. We'll find her. Wait... I... I think I hear something. I hear... crying?" Asha said. At first, I thought she was just trying to make me worry less. But I actually started to hear it, too. I walked through the forest slowly and cautiously not knowing if the sound was really coming from Adira. "Stay close," I told Asha. Asha looked around. Once I made it through the vines and twisted branches, Asha and I saw... Adira! She was a teenaged lion, too now. "Adira!" I exclaimed happily. Adira looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Kia..." I smiled big with a few gasps and said, "Yeah! Yeah, it's me!" I nuzzled her then said with a small smile trying to lift her up, "K, let's get you home," "No! No, no, no. Ow! Kia, you don't understand! I broke my ribcage. I-I can't move." Adira tried to explain. "Well we can just-" I started then Asha cut me off for a good reason and said, "Uh, Kia? I'm almost sure she's not gonna make it to South Rock today." I sighed, sat down, and said kind of annoyed, "I know that. I just don't know what else to do. Maybe if I- no, nevermind. Wait! What if- ugh, that won't work either!" Asha looked at me and couldn't help but feel sorry for me. She sat down next to me and said, "Kia, I know you might not like it when I say this but we might have to stay out here for a while until we figure out what to do." Asha said looking at me as she put her paw on my shoulder. "No! No way!" I protested as I stood up. "Like I said, I know you're not gonna like this idea but do you have a better one?" Asha asked looking at me as she stood up, too. "Actually, I just might! Asha, run back to the Southlands. Tell my dad to bring the pride here. Or better yet, just lead them." I ordered. "You got it, Kia!" Asha exclaimed boldly as she ran back to South Rock.

~In the Northlands~

Kesi jumped on top of a rock and said, "I don't see anything!" She looked down at Kabira who was standing on the ground and asked, "Do you?" "Well it would probably be a way bigger help if I was up on that tall rock and not down... here." Kabira said a little annoyed. Then she finished with an exhausted sigh and said, "But I don't think we're findin' Adira today." Kesi groaned and then looked deeper into the distance and saw Keres and her pride. "Ugh, great. Keres is boring her poor pride out by telling them all about her big war that's never gonna happen." Kesi said a bit annoyed. She jumped off of the rock as Kabira sighed. Kabira looked over and saw Asha running towards the Southlands. "Hey, I see Asha. Looks like my eyesight is getting better everyday." Kabira smirked. "But your brain isn't. I can see her, too, ya showoff." Kesi snapped as she hit Kabira's head then ran after Asha. Kabira left the Northlands and did the same.

~Meanwhile in Acacia Forest~

I sat down next to Adira and sighed in exhaustion. "So. How's... life?" I asked her trying to break the awkward silence. She looked at me with a confused look on her face. "How's life? Are you serious? You think after you save me we can just become friends again?" She said. "I-" I started then she cut me off and added, "After what you did to me?!" "Are-are you still jealous because I never picked you to be on the Lion Guard?" I asked thinking I knew what she was saying. "Jealous? You...- you thought I was jealous? No, I'm not jealous. I was angry. And-and-and I was... I was sad. After you became leader of the Lion Guard, what did I get? Nothing. Nothing but a broken heart. I...-I tried asking you to hang out with me. Multiple times! But you rejected me!" Adira explained. It looked like she was trying to hold back tears. I wanted to tell her something... but I just couldn't find the right words. So I just let her talk. "Kia, for months after you developed another role in the Southlands, I tried getting a get together and manage to just say one sentence to you. But you were always in such a rush." Adira said with her ears lowered the entire time she talked. I looked at her sadly. "Every opportunity I had to ask you to hang out or ask you questions, I took them because having a strong friendship like we had... it was one if the greatest things I had in my life. But... it was like I was never there. So..." Adira continued as her voice started to break. "So one day I just gave up. Kia, I was hurting. And... and I was tired. I couldn't try anymore. It was too much for me." Adira finished. By the time she was done, I had full-on TEARS in my eyes. "A, I didn't know you were feeling like that all those months ago." That was all I could say. I leaned my head over to her as a sign of making sure it was okay to nuzzle her. I nuzzled her cheek and said, "I-.....I'm so sorry," "I know..." Adira said as she accepted my nuzzle.

After that, Dad and the pride walked over and said, "We couldn't help but overhear..." I rolled my eyes and Mom walked over and said, "And we had NO idea you felt that way, sweetie." Adira looked down and I nuzzled her again. She smiled at me and the pride put her on one of those things that help you up and they took her back to South Rock.

Teenage Adira's voice: Caroline Palmer (she played Asher Angel/Billy's mom in Shazam!) I just figured because of all she's been through in the movie, it related to Adira)

Thanks for reading, guys! Goodnight from New York! Writing the parts from Adira made me cry with tears I didn't even know were there!😢 I went through a lot of tears and salt water for you! Lol, make sure to comment in the comments down below!🤗 ⬇⬇ And make sure to vote! Love you guys! Stay safe!!❤❤

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