~Chapter 63~ Legend of the Moonstone Wolves Pt. 1

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Season 4 - Special

Legend has it that on the longest day in Winter, time and space unfold in space. Deep in the Moon Forest, a majestic jeweled element that keeps night peaceful and harmonic called the Moonstone, lies in a cave guarded by the fiercest and majestic wolves called the Moonstone Wolves. Their duty is to protect the Moonstone with their life. But one fateful day, an ancient evil known as Hestia, learned about the Moonstone and it's purpose. She decided the only way to ensure that she would stay the most powerful animal to ever live, was to destroy the Moonstone. Forever.

2 months passed, and it was night in the Southlands. It was a really strange night though. Animals of the Southlands were up all night because stars and the moon were so bright tonight. And more than 200 meteors passed by every hour. It started at 6:00 PM and it's now 12:00 AM and this night sky stuff is still going on. Asha was sitting on South Rock with Naju and she said, "What's up with the sky tonight?" Naju shrugged his shoulders. "Hm," Asha thought, still looking at the sky, not taking her eyes off of it. Malaika came onto South Rock and called, "Naju! Come here for a sec." Naju looked at Asha who glanced at him then looked back up at the starry night sky. "I better... go see what she wants, heh," Naju chuckled. Asha smiled at him and then looked back up at the night sky. Naju got up and walked over to Malaika. She smiled at him then walked away with him down to the Southland's ground. I was also down on the ground of the Southlands trying to calm animals down.

"I can't sleep!" A giraffe yelled at me. "My cubs can't sleep!" A serval shouted at me. "I just want some sleep!" A monkey said sitting on a tree next to South Rock. "Listen, I know you're all upset, kinda cranky, and sleep-hungry, but-" I started as I lowered my ears but a Bengal tiger asked with worry in her voice, "What are you gonna do, Princess Kia?" "I... I... ugh! If it'll make you feel any better, the Lion Guard and I will go see what's goin' on up there!" I said walking away in anger. "But- how are you going to go see what's going on in SPACE?" The giraffe asked. I turned my head to him and said sarcastically with a dirty look on my face, "We'll think of something," Naju ran over to me and asked, "Woah, we're we goin', boss?" "To space," I told him. He stopped following me and asked after a few moments of silence, "....Huh?"

As I was walking with the Lion Guard, Naju trotted up to me and asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, "So do you even know what we're lookin' for..?" I turned my head to him and said with a smirk, "Nope. I'm just trying to make everyone shut up." Naju just laughed. "Hey, wait. What's that?" Kabira wondered looking over at a giant hole in the ground that was glowing a flashing light blue. The glow was like a flashlight that was broken. It just kept flashing on and off. I looked at it with caution and said, "Come on," as we walked over to it, Asha went the other way. She looked down inside the hole along with the rest of us. "What is that?" She wondered. Inside the hole was a small lighr blue glowing jewel that was in the shape of an oval. I slid down into the hole and walked around the jewel trying to find something else. "Uh, Kia? The blue thing's right there. You've passed it like, 12 times." Kabira said with a raised eyebrow. "I see it, Kabira. I'm looking for what could've caused this giant hole in the ground." I said to her with an annoyed look. After a few minutes of searching, Naju looked at Kabira with a perplexed face and then looked back down at me and guessed, "Uh... Kia..? You don't suppose... that jewel could've caused this hole...?" I looked up at him with wet dirt in my claws and in between my paw pads. I didn't have a happy look on my face but I didn't have a mad one either. He just kept his eyes on me with a raised eyebrow. I just started laughing. "You think that little oval made this huge hole?" I asked pulling myself together, but still having a few slight laughs in my voice. "Mhm," Naju and Kesi said. "You, too, Kesi?!" I asked, thinking they both were crazy. "It... is possible that that small little jewel has so much energy force that it could've caused that huge hole in the ground. But not that huge." "Exactly! It makes no sense! Ugh." I said as I jumped out of the hole. I made a deeper hole by the way I was digging to find something else besides that disappointing hand-me-down jewel. I looked back at the jewel and lowered my left front leg and grabbed the jewel. MUCH to my surprise, the jewel let out a bright and strangly strong light and it forced me away, knocking me into a large sturdy rock. I groaned in pain and managed to say, "Ow..." it seemed the closer my paw got to the jewel, the lighter the jewel became. Like a warning that it'd do something to me. Naju, Kesi, and Asha ran over to me and Naju asked, "Are you okay, Kia?!" I got up and managed to say again, "I think so..." "That was weird. It was almost like the jewel didn't want you next to it." Kesi said looking at me. Naju turned his head to Kesi and told her, "That's stupid," "It was like a warning..." Asha said with a small mysterious voice. I looked at her with a confused face and a raised eyebrow. "Or a threat," Kabira's voice said. We all looked at Kabira who was staring at the blue glowing jewel. The jewel's bright light was shining on her face a little. Then it stopped. "Did you notice how the opal was glowing just a minute ago and then it just stopped?" Kabira asked with concern in her voice. "Yeah, it stopped right when Kia was away from it," Naju said looking at Kabira. "Exactly. It's almost like it thinks of Kia as a threat." Kabira said. "Kia, c'mere again," Kabira said. I walked over cautiously.

My mind

Why am I being cautious around a small oval?

I walked over and the jewel's glow came back. "That's so weird..." Kesi said. "Back up, Kia," Kabira told me.

My mind

I can't believe I'm listening to my little sister.

I backed up and the glow faded a little. I walked back towards it and backed away from it a few times. When I walked away from the jewel, it stopped glowing. And when I walked closer and closer to it, it glowed. "That's weird. Come on, we're gonna go see Omari." Kabira said walking away. "Uh, should we take this with us?" Kesi asked looking at the jewel. Kabira turned her head to Kesi aggressively and answered quickly, "No! No, nobody touch it. Let's just get back to South Rock." I looked at Kesi confused.

Thanks for reading! Yep, now the Tangled: The Series stuff is actually happening xd. I'm just starting to run out of ideas. Love you guys!

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now