~Chapter 9~ The Northlands

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Season 1

As I was walking through the Northlands with Bakari, I was freaked out. I've never been on another land than my own before. "So how long exactly will it take for me to get home?" I asked. "About forty-four minutes," Bakari answered. "Oh OK, that's fine- what?!?" I freaked. "Hey, I told you it would be a long walk." Bakari said. I rolled my eyes and said, "Well I need to get back for dinner. AND my practice hunt." I gasped, face-palmed myself, and said, "My hunt..." "Don't worry, I'll get you home. Stick with me and I'll get you through the Northlands without making everyone alarmed." Bakari said. "Thanks," I said then added, "I guess,"

As I walked through Bakari's home, I looked around. The place wasn't as bad as I thought. It was kinda cold, though. As I shivered, Bakari noticed and said, "Cold?" "Yeah, a little. But I'm fine." I answered looking down. "Yeah, this is the Northlands. And north is usually pointing in the cold direction." I said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Aren't you just a little cold?" I wondered. "Nope, don't feel a thing. Northland lions have long thick fur along with a two-layered coat." Bakari said with a smirk. I put my head on him and he was right! His fur was warm. "W-what are you doing?" He asked with a small blush. "I was just feeling how warm you are. I guess there's special advantages when you're a Northland lion." I said. Bakari nodded then said, "Well, come on. We have to pass my home."

As I was walking, something hit me. It was a brown lioness with green eyes. "Um, excuse you!" I snapped at her. She growled and then Bakari said, "Sis, she's with me." The lioness stopped in he tracks and said, "What?! But- she's a Southlander." "Figure that out all by yourself?" I asked rolling my eyes. She snarled at me. "Bakari, don't you know what Mom will do if she knows there's a Southlander is the Northlands?!" The lioness yelled. "I know, Luna. But I'm just helping her get home." Bakari said. The lioness whose name was Luna scoffed and said, "Well get her out of here before Mom comes back from hunting. And before I sharpen my claws on something a little more... lively." "I know, Luna. Come on "princess"." Bakari said. I perked my ears up and stopped in my tracks. I chuckled a bit. "My dad calls me that same thing." I said smiling. "Kia, the sun's going down. If we wanna get to the Southlands before dark, you might wanna speed up those legs." Bakari said. "I know, I know." I said following him.

As we were walking, I heard low growling. "Do you here that?" I wondered. "Yeah. Stay here." Bakari said walking around a corner. Then he walked back over to me. "I don't see anythi-" He started then Chiku, Chandu, and Abedi came walking over. Chiku laughed and said, "Hi, again," "Hyenas, I've told you a million times to stay out of the Northlands! You're not welcome here! So get out!" Bakari said. I was impressed by how he protects his home. Chiku laughed again and said, "Oh, but handsome, we love this place. We just wanna stay a while!" Bakari growled and attacked Chiku. I jumped on a rock and said, "Uh, w-what do you want me to do?" "Take the others! They won't be much trouble." Bakari said pinning Chiku to the ground. I nodded and headbutted Chandu which made him go flying. Then I kicked Abedi. Once I handled those two, I looked over to see how Bakari was doing. It looked like he was a pretty skilled fighter. He clawed Chiku's cheek with his claws and then she said in a kind of funny voice, "Oh, you'll pay for that!" Chiku pounced but Bakari used his hind legs to send her flying and knock into a spiky rock. Bakari walked up to Chiku and growled. He glared at her and she said, "Fine, I'm leavin'! Come on, boys!" Bakari smiled and looked at me. I walked off of a rock and went over to Bakari. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah. You?" He asked. "I'm fine. Nice moves." I said smiling as I moved my tail around. "You, too. Now come on, we've still got a little ways to go." Bakari said.

~A little while later~

As sunset started to fall, I could finally see South Rock. "Hey! I can see my home!" I said excitedly. "Yeah so come on. You just need to climb that big wall and you'll be there." Bakari said. "K," I said. I looked up at the wall and then looked at Bakari and said, "It's too high. Could you give me a boost?" Bakari looked away. I looked down at him and said, "Please?" Bakari rolled his eyes. I smiled. Bakari lifted me up and then I unleashed my claws to climb the rest of the way. Once I made it to the top, I panted. I looked back down at Bakari and said with a smile, "Thanks for your help, Bakari. This was... fun. Weird and different but fun." Bakari smiled and said with a raised eyebrow, "No problem. It was my pleasure getting you out of my home." I chuckled and joked, "We should do this again sometime." "Pfft, in your dreams." Bakari said rolling his eyes as he blew a bang from his mane tuft away from his face. I smiled at him then ran off to South Rock.

~At South Rock~

I saw my dad sitting at the edge of South Rock with Mom. He looked worried. I smiled and ran up to South Rock. "Dad! Mom!" I exclaimed happily as I ran over to them and nuzzled them. "Kia! You're safe!" Dad said happily nuzzling me. "Where did you go?" Mom asked. "I got stuck in the Northlands but this lion cub named Bakari helped me get home." I said truthfully. "A... Northlander helped you? Huh, that's something that doesn't happen everyday. At least not in the Southlands." Dad said smiling at Mom. "She's learning. But remember, she still has something else to learn." Mom said. Dad nodded and said, "Yes. Kia, how about you go see Adira. She has something she wants to tell you." I raised my eyebrow in confusion and said, "Uh... okay?" I ran into South Rock and saw Adira and smiled. "Kia! You're okay!!" Adira said happily and excitedly as she ran over to me and hugged me. I nuzzled her and said, "You wanted to tell me something?" "Yeah, I'm sorry. I should've listened to you about going into the Northlands. It's my fault you're here where you are right now." Adira said putting her ears down. "You're right. It is your fault I am where I am right now. I'm surrounded by family and friends. And my pride! And I couldn't be more happier." I said smiling. Adira smiled and hugged me. I put my ears down and hugged her back.

~That night~

I was laying down in the den resting with Adira. "So what was it like to be in the Northlands?" Adira asked me. "The Northlands weren't as bad as I thought." I said. Then I added, "Yeah it had a few rough edges here and there. Oh, and I met this lion named Bakari." "Hey, isn't he the one who helped you out of the Northlands?" Adira asked. "How'd you know?" I asked. Adira giggled and said, "You've told the whole pride three times already." I giggled and said, "Oh, I guess that's how you know." "So was he cute?" Adira asked. I smiled with a raised eyebrow. "He was... attractive..." I answered with a mischievous smirk. "Ooh, you have a crush on a boy!" Adira said. I was looking down smiling as she was saying this. "I don't like him, I'm just saying he was cute." I said. "Who was cute?" Tabia asked walking into the den. "A cute little hyrax. Poor little thing got stuck in a thorn bush." I lied. Adira and I didn't tell Tabia because she doesn't always keep secrets and if she knew that I thought a Northlander was cute, there'd be trouble. Or I would at least. "OK? Well, Adira, your mom wanted me to tell you it's time to leave South Rock so you can sleep." Tabia said. "K. Bye, Kia. Goodnight. See you tomorrow." Adira said waving as she left South Rock with Tabia following behind her. "Goodnight, Adira," I said quietly as I laid my head on the floor of South Rock. Then Mom walked in. "How was the Northlands?" She asked. "It was cool." I said laying down closing my eyes. Mom put her paw on my head as she stroked it. "Goodnight, princess." Mom said as she left. Little did I know, she heard everything I told Adira.

~𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒾ℴ𝓃 𝒦𝒾𝓃ℊ: ℳ𝓎 𝒮𝓉ℴ𝓇𝓎~Where stories live. Discover now