Imagine for Allison!

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"So, we do have one slight problem," Louis said to you as he took your bags from you and helped you onto the tour bus. He set your stuff down on the floor and stood with his hands on his hips. "We only have five bunks on this bus, which means you'll have to share with one of us." He patted you on your back and with a smile, he added, "You know you can share with me, if you want."

Louis peeled the curtains apart and took a quick peek outside, where he caught sight of the other four as they wandered toward the bus. "Looks like the others are finally joining us! Might want to plug your ears, we tend to be a little noisy right after a show," Louis warned you, and you laughed. You were interrupted when Harry pulled the door open and the four giggly boys piled into the bus. Harry let the door slam after him, which only added to the noise. Louis wasn't kidding when he advised you to plug your ears.

"Hey, look who's here!" Harry exclaimed, nodding toward you. All eyes turned to you, and you shyly waved. For a few seconds, there was silence as everyone stared at you.

Niall was the first one to move, and he crossed the bus to you. You realized you were standing beside the mini refrigerator when Niall bent over and grabbed a plastic water bottle from it. When he stood up again, you were met with a grin. "You're so quiet, I didn't even notice you," He said before twisting the cap off of his water bottle. You noticed the sweat that lined his forehead as he tilted the bottle to his lips and swallowed nearly half of the water in the bottle.

You smiled and watched as Niall recapped his water bottle and placed it on the counter behind him. "So what did you think of the show?" He asked, desperate to spark some conversation with you, seeing as you had been silent up until this point.

"It was great. You guys are great," You blurted, before clearing your throat. You weren't sure what else to say, but you didn't want this conversation to end there, so you quickly added, "Aren't you tired? I'd be knocked out by now, if I were you."

Niall shrugged and dropped his eyes to his feet, where he was fidgeting with his shoe. His shoelaces were untied, so he was absentmindedly sliding his foot in and out of his shoe. "It's really hard to sleep right after a show, because you're still so full of energy. It'll catch up to us in a few hours, though. After we've settled down, we'll remember just how exhausted we really are."

You nodded and glanced toward the bunks while saying, "Speaking of sleep, Louis told me that I'd have to share a bunk with someone-" You didn't even get to finish your sentence before Niall cut you off with his own words.

"Share with me!" He offered, nudging your arm with his elbow. He finally kicked his shoes off, and leaned against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest as he waited for your response.

"You sure? I mean, Louis did say I could share with him," You said. Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked around Niall to see the other guys tossing cookies into the air and then attempting to catch them in their mouths. Liam got it down on the first try, and everyone else failed horribly. You chuckled and rolled your eyes before turning your attention back to Niall.

Niall smirked and leaned in, so that only you could hear him. "Don't share with Louis; he's a loud and sometimes even violent sleeper. Trust me, Allison; I'm your best option."

You smiled and stared at Niall for a minute, taking in his appearance. He was wearing tight black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt. You knew he probably just threw on whatever he could find first that was somewhat matching, but he still managed to look incredible. His hair was quiffed up and was almost entirely his natural brown color; it was only blond on the tips. You were snapped back into reality when your eyes settled on his and you realized that he was staring back at you, probably waiting for you to say something. His features softened and he raised one eyebrow. He knew you were checking him out, so he decided to mess with your mind by nibbling on his lip before dragging his tongue over his lips. He winked at you and you quickly looked away as to prevent yourself from pouncing on him.

Eventually, you both blended in with the others and just messed about for the rest of the night. It seemed as if the only food they had on that bus was junk food, so you all shared bags of chips and candy. Louis and Liam battled in a video game, and you found yourself sitting right next to Niall as you watched the game from behind. Zayn was the first to go to bed, and everyone kind of followed after him once Louis won the game. The boys just stripped themselves of their clothes and slept in only boxers, but you didn't exactly have that luxury. Because you couldn't find a space big and private enough for you to change, you went to bed in the same clothes you were wearing all day.

Niall slid into his bunk first and you climbed in after him. You were quick to notice how little space you had. You and Niall were squished together, with barely any space to even breathe. "Here," Niall whispered, opening his arms so that you could cuddle into him. He engulfed you in his arms and you eased into him. Niall's warmth was enough to put you to sleep. You focused on the calming sound of his heartbeat as your eyes closed. He squeezed you closer and caught you by surprise when he pecked your forehead. Your eyes flew open and you looked up at him. He smirked and explained, "A kiss for sweet dreams."

**I hope you like it, dear!**

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