Imagine for Meagan!

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"Meagan!" You heard a voice call your name, but you ignored it, keeping your head down and hurrying to get inside the studio. "Meagan, can I please get a picture with you?!" The same voice called.

"Oh my gosh, MEAGAN!! Meagan, sign this!!"

"I'm a huge fan, can I please get a picture?"

"Meagan! Look, it's Meagan! I love you, girl! I love you, Meagan! I'm your biggest fan!"

"Meagan, how's the music going? Are you recording today?"


"Meagan, we heard rumors about you and Niall Horan from One Direction. What's the story?"

That particular question stopped you and caused you to face the sea of people, all shouting random things at you. You adored your fans, but sometimes they did get a bit out of hand. You stared directly at the paparazzi that asked you the question about Niall while cameras flashed and fans continued to scream.

"We're just friends," You told him. "He's a very nice guy."

You spun back around, avoiding the screaming fans and crazy paparazzi while finally busting through the doors of the studio. Your security guard shut the door after you, cutting off all the noise from the fans outside. You took a deep breath, still not completely used to all the madness.

One of the recording engineers that you'd be working with today approached you with a hot mug of coffee. "Here," He said, handing you the mug. "I know it gets a little crazy with all the fans."

You nodded, sipping at the hot drink. "I was worried I wouldn't make it alive," You joked. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, I think we'll finish up the vocals for the first track and maybe start on the second?" He said.

"Sounds great," You smiled, following him to the recording booth.

He allowed you to warm up your voice a little bit, ready to record the final vocals for the first track on your new album.

Stepping up to the microphone, you placed the headphones over your head, waiting for the engineer behind the glass window to give you the sign to start singing. He gave you a thumbs up as music started to play through your headphones. You began to sing the lyrics to one of your songs that you had spent weeks perfecting.

After finishing that up, you waited in another room as now the mixing artist would have to work his magic on your song. You got a fresh cup of coffee and began sipping at it when the door swung open, and a lovely boy stood behind it.

"Niall!" You exclaimed as he entered the studio. You could hear his fans screaming like yours were earlier until he shut the door, canceling out the sound.

"How ya doin'?" He politely asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Fine," You smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"Eh, just wanted to stop by and say hey. How's the recording coming along?" He answered.

"It's great! Hey, would you like some coffee?"

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks," He said.

You sighed and set down your cup. "They asked me about you," You said to him.

"So, they're already getting suspicious," Niall started. "What sort of rumors are they coming out with?"

"I'm not sure. But I think it's important for both you and me that we clarify that we are only friends. People can't think we're dating because we're not, and you know that management would never have it anyway," You said.

He nodded. Both of you were handled by different management services, but both services made both of you promise to stay single for a while.

"I have an interview next week. I'm sure they'll ask me about it and I'll make sure to clear things up then," He stated.

You smiled thankfully and leaned forward, giving him a quick little hug.

"So, uh, would you like to go have a friendly lunch?" Niall asked with a laugh.

"Sure, as soon as I'm done here," You agreed.

He nodded and waited patiently while you went off to do some more recording.

**I hope you liked it!**

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now