Taking Care of You

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Niall blinked his eyes open, furrowing his eyebrows as he turned his head to see you lying on your stomach. With your face buried in your pillow, you let out a groan. Niall wiggled himself into a sitting position so that his back was resting against the headboard. He pulled the blanket up to cover his lower half and then rubbed his eyes while asking, “What’s wrong?”

He yawned and ran his fingers through his tousled hair while you lifted your head to look up at him. “My stomach hurts,” You told him before dropping your face onto your pillow again. You groaned loudly, but the sound was muffled by your pillow. Niall frowned and reached down to rub your back.

“That’s not good,” He said, “I can’t let my baby be in pain.”

You smiled into your pillow as Niall slid out of bed. Once on his feet, he stretched his arms out and sleepily walked toward the door. “Stay here,” Niall said to you before disappearing from the room. You heard the bathroom door close from across the hall, and seconds later, you could hear him singing through the door. After Niall washed his hands, you heard the door click open, followed by the sound of his bare feet wandering down the hallway.

Niall prepared a cup of tea for you, singing to himself as he did so. He hated when you weren’t feeling well, because he knew you were uncomfortable. But at the same time, he kind of enjoyed it because it finally gave him the opportunity to take care of you. Because of his very busy schedule, it was always a priority to you to look after him first, and put his needs first. So he enjoyed the chance to swap roles and be the one looking after you. He placed a piece of bread in the toaster and swayed his hips while waiting for it to pop back up at him. When it did, he placed the toast on a little plate along with the cup of tea, and made his way back to the bedroom.

You were drawing patterns onto the empty sheets next to you with your finger when Niall knocked on the doorframe and said, “Your prince has returned.” You turned to look at him with a smile while still lying on your stomach. He looked comfortable with messy hair and only a pair of boxers on his body. He still had a tired look about him, and you felt guilty about waking him up on his day off. You knew he could use about five more hours of sleep, if not more, yet he was determined to take care of you instead. Niall grinned at you and crossed the room to you. He set the tea and toast down on the nightstand beside the bed and reached over you to grab his pillow. He fluffed his pillow and then placed it against the headboard. He slid your pillow from underneath you and fluffed that one, too, before placing it in front of his. “There,” He said, “Sit up and lean against the pillows.”

You did as he said and then crossed your legs. He handed you the plate with the toast and the cup of tea and you thanked him with a smile. “You shouldn’t do this for me,” You said, though you were very thankful. “In fact, you shouldn’t even be awake right now. Aren’t you tired from the show last night? You didn’t get to sleep until really late.”

He climbed into bed next to you and sat against the headboard. “I’m only a little tired,” He lied. It was obvious that he was lying just by the way he slowly blinked his eyes and refrained from letting them close because he knew he’d drift off and he didn’t want to do that. “Besides, you’re more important. How’s the tea?” Niall said as his hand ran up and down your thigh.

You turned and caught his eyes. Loving smiles spread across your face and his as you stared at each other. His lips were hovering over yours as you whispered, “It’s good. Thank you, Niall.”

His hand came to a stop and he gently squeezed your thigh as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. After he pulled away, he pecked your lips twice more and reached over your lap to grab your empty left hand. His fingers were intertwined with yours on your lap and he looked at your hand as if it was missing something.

“You know,” He said, and his eyes met with yours again before he continued, “I’m gonna put a ring on that finger someday.”

**I like this imagine because it’s one of those that I wrote without any guidance. I didn’t really have a plot or anything in my mind, I just wrote whatever came to me along the way. Seems to work pretty well.**

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