Imagine for Layla!

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Looking ahead, you sighed at the long line of anxious people in front of you. You were at an amusement park, waiting your turn to get on a certain ride. The thrill level was high for this ride, and you were super excited. You watched as the coasters zipped and turned along the track, screams lingering in the air.

"Have you been on this one before?" You heard a voice from behind you say. You turned to see a boy staring up as the coasters whizzed past again.

"Um, no," You answered.

He nodded. "It's a good one. You won't be scared, will you?"

You chuckled. "What?! No!"

"Good, all the screaming can get annoying sometimes," He smirked as the line moved forward. "Wanna sit together?" He asked, pointing to the seats on the ride that sat two people.

"Sure," You nodded and took a deep breath while the line moved forward again.

Eventually, you made it to the front of the line and your heart was racing by the time it was your turn. You acted like nothing was bothering you at all, when really you were quite nervous. You scooted in next to the boy and pulled the buckle across your waist.

"Here we go!" He exclaimed as the ride jolted forward.

You kept your eyes shut the entire time, refusing to open them until all of the twists and turns were over. "Is it over?" You asked, popping one eye open.

"Yes, it's over," The boy said, chuckling and pushing you off of the ride.

You stood still, trying to steady yourself while he continued to laugh at you. You rolled your eyes, and caught up to him.

"So I never did get your name," You said to him as you walked beside him.

"Niall," He spit out, smiling at you.

"And I'm Layla," You said back, finally introducing yourself.

"Hey, wanna go on that one over there?" Niall asked, pointing at a ride in the distance that also had a huge line.

You looked back and forth between him and the ride before agreeing, "Fine. But, we're getting ice cream after," You declared.


**I'm sorry that it's so short! I hope you like it, though! I got your name from your profile, if you were wondering. You didn't tell me your name or if you wanted it to be anonymous so I hope this works!**

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now