Young Love

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You felt the adrenaline rushing through you as you hurried across the dark street, guided by the dim light of the streetlamps. The night air was a bit chilly, adding a little extra speed to your step, with your boyfriend's warm house as an incentive to walk quicker. You couldn't help the grin that tugged at your lips, thinking of how happy he'd be to see you. And how happy you'd  be to see him.

You climbed over a fence, scratching your skin and tangling leaves in your hair, and then padded along the grass-covered backyard.  You looked up, spotting his bedroom window. The light in his bedroom was on, giving you a clear view of the space poster he had taped to his wall.  The only setback was that his window was closed, and you knew he was probably either blaring music or playing his own with his guitar, so he wouldn't be able to hear you through his glass window. Dropping your eyes, all hope was returned when you spotted a collection of pebbles at your feet, lining the house.

Gripping a smaller-sized pebble in your hand, you backed up a little before throwing it as gently as possible, aiming for his window. This is what they do in all the romantic movies, you thought as you tossed another rock. Niall's eyes widened and he lifted his guitar from his lap, placing it safely in its stand. He adjusted his glasses as he stepped toward his window, watching another pebble hit the glass surface. He laughed when he spotted you below, wildly flailing your arms in an attempt to capture his attention. "Niall!" You whisper-shouted, cupping your hands around your mouth. 

He unlocked the window and lifted it with a wide grin on his face, calling down to you, "What is wrong with you?!" He laughed as you shrugged in response.

"I wanted to see you!" You called back up to him, and he could see your sneaky smirk all the way from the second floor.

He held a finger up, signaling for you to wait a minute, while he closed his window and tip-toed downstairs to let you in. His Dad was still awake and watching television in the living room, but Niall managed to sneak through the house without being noticed. He let you in the back door, because that's where you were waiting, and quickly ushered you upstairs to his bedroom. You let out a deep breath behind him as he gently shut his bedroom door. "You know my dad would kill me if he knew you were here," Niall mumbled, turning to face you with reddened cheeks.

You crawled onto his bed, lying on your back while he took a seat on the edge of the mattress. "He won't know," You promised. Niall's dad was extremely protective of both of his sons, but especially Niall. Greg was, by no means, an innocent boy - and he knew Niall was his only hope of raising a clean and successful child. Niall was the smartie of the family - the kid that stayed in the boundaries, always obeyed his dad, achieved perfect grades in school, only partook in good and clean fun. Never had a girlfriend in his life, or even a female friend, until he met you. You smiled your way into Niall's heart, and though he tried to deny it, he fell in love with the way you made him feel. With the way you accepted him when he felt as if no one else, even his own brother, would. With the way you called him 'cute' instead of 'ugly' and told him he was worth everything, even when he felt as if he had no worth at all. 

Your eyes trailed across his room and you spotted his guitar, rested crookedly in its stand, letting you know that Niall had recently been playing it. "What were you doing before I came?" You curiously asked, bringing your eyes to him as he moved to lie beside you. He cuddled up to you, so that you were facing each other. 

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now