Our Teenage Dream- Part 2

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You held Niall's hand as he leisurely drove along the country streets, watching where the fields of grass met the blue sky that hung above. The sun was out and the clouds in the sky were white and fluffy. It was a picturesque view that made you wish you could stay on this road trip for the rest of your life. You found love on this road trip. If it were up to you, it would never end.

'What if I'm far from home? ' Louis sang along to the scratchy radio.

'Oh brother, I will hear you call,' Niall finished, softly smiling as the lyrics fell from his lips. 

Realizing the trend, you quietly sang out, 'What if lose it all? '

Harry grinned and chirped in, 'Oh sister, I will help you out.'

'Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you...' Liam sang, his eyes watching the vivid scenes that passed as you drove. 

Niall squeezed your hand and you sang together, 'There's nothin' in this world I wouldn't do.'

"You guys really should form a band," Greg laughed, "I guess I'll just be the tech guy, or somethin'."

"Yeah, 'cause you can't sing for shit," Niall said, laughing loudly.

"Shut up," Greg spat, leaning forward to smack Niall's arm. Niall frowned but chuckled anyway. You smiled and set your eyes on the long road ahead of you. It seemed to never end. Niall's car was the only one on the road, and you hadn't come across any traffic in a long time. Aside from the abundance of nature, your group was the only sign of life you'd seen for probably the past hour and a half. You honestly felt like the world only consisted of you, your love, and the four idiots in the backseat.

Squinting, you could see lights in the distance. You leaned forward in your seat, and as Niall's car approached, you could make out a set of lights that had been strung on the branches of bare trees. It was an old farmhouse with no animals in sight, aside from a dog that jogged around the grass, its tail wagging happily. There was a crowd of people in the yard, all gathered around for what appeared to be some sort of celebration.

The sound of Niall's radio ringing out through the roofless car stole their attention and the party-goers seemed to be just as surprised to see you as you were to see them. "Niall, pull over," Greg said from the backseat, "Maybe we can join them."

"We don't know them," Harry protested, "What if they're child abductors or something?!"

"None of us here are children," Greg snapped, "They're not going to abduct us. This is what road trips are all about, is it not? Spontaneity? Let's just give it a try." Niall's car slowly rolled to a stop on the side of the road. The party was starting to quiet down a little, as everyone's eyes were on your group. A grown man with a ditsy blonde on his side, stepped out and ventured toward you. He held a beer in one hand, his other wrapped around her twig waist. She giggled and nearly tripped over her own feet as she tried to walk alongside him. Niall stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. People these days. He was internally shaking his head. She was beyond drunk and clinging to this man like he was the only thing she knew.

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