Ego- Part 2

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**I'm actually really happy you guys wanted this because I don't know what I'd do if you didn't. Anyway, this part is dirty (as I promised) so enjoy and make sure to leave your opinion in a comment because I always get nervous with the dirty stuff. Idk I feel like it has to be perfect and it just makes me a little nervous but I'M GONNA STOP TALKING NOW SO ENJOY THE IMAGINE ILY**

**WAIT!!! LET THIS IMAGINE BE IN CELEBRATION OF 'MADE IN THE A.M.' BEING RELEASED AYYYYYEEEEE!!!!! WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??? Personally, I think it's their best. Tell me your favorite new song in a comment! I gotta say I'm really feelin 'A.M.' and 'If I Could Fly' and 'I Want to Write You a Song' It's hard though because I actually love every single song from the new album soooo idk but ok enjoy the imagine for real now haha**

"I guess-" Niall paused to swallow hard, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "I guess that is a long time, isn't it?"

"Such a long time," You breathed, nibbling on your lip. "You poor thing, you've been deprived all this time," You spoke in an innocent voice, watching as Niall tried to hide his obvious arousal. This was turning around so quickly but you loved every second of it.

A small smirk tugged at Niall's lips and he dropped his eyes to his lap, shyly mumbling, "Not totally deprived." He glanced up at you through his eyelashes, wiggling his fingers and saying, "I have hands, you know." He reached for his glass and swallowed another long sip of champagne.

After an extended moment of silence, Niall licked his tongue over his lips and said, "So are we gonna eat...?"

"Oh, yeah," You blushed, forgetting that you were there to enjoy a meal, above everything else. You plucked the menu from the table and paged through it, asking aloud, "What should I get?"

"Pasta," Niall said, "Something messy." You shot him a look and he giggled like he was in high school again. His whole night was decided now, he had nothing to lose.

But you did order a bowl of some fancy pasta dish and Niall ordered Fettuccine Alfredo because he said it would probably be amazing from a place like this. You and Niall continued to sip at your champagne, engaging in brief conversations until your food came. But there was some sort of mutual interest, in the air, to get off the beach and head back to Niall's place. It was like you both knew what awaited you and no matter how hard you tried to take your time, you kept wishing the food would hurry up and get there so you could swallow it down in two minutes and just get on with your night.

For that reason - and because you were really digging the marinara sauce - the actual dinner part was silent. The only sound you heard was the clinking of your fork against the dish. With a long breath, Niall set his fork down beside his plate and grabbed the cloth napkin, wiping his mouth with it. He leaned back in his chair and finished the last sip of champagne. "How's yours?" He asked, realizing now that all conversation between you had literally stopped as soon as the food came.

"Great," You smiled through a mouthful of pasta, "Yours?"

Niall laughed and said, "Yeah, mine was good, too." He continued to watch you intently as you ate and it was actually pretty uncomfortable. But you didn't confront him about it.

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