Our Teenage Dream

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**Okay yep I guess this is kinda based off of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' because it played on my Spotify and BAM an imagine idea just hit me right then. ALSO LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL NIALL'S FACE IS OH MY GOD I'M SO IN LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS SO BEAUTIFUL.**

Niall threw his head back with a loud cackle, drawing your attention to him like a flash of lightning. You could see his teeth as his bright smile illuminated his face. His hair was blowing in the wind that whisked through his topless car. It was one thing to admire Niall for the way he acted, for the way he could easily capture your heart with his sweet words and cute gestures. It was one thing to admire Niall for his appearance - the freckles on his neck, or maybe the specks of color in his eyes. But it was a totally different thing to admire Niall for what he carried on the inside - for what he hid so flawlessly behind those enchanting eyes. He could cover so much with a quick and very convincing smile. But there was so much to him, so much depth to his life. So many stories, so many feelings that he kept captured within his own mind. There were so many deep thoughts he'd spent time pondering. So many brilliant ideas swirling around in his seemingly happy-go-lucky mind. He was smart - intelligent in a way that was unique to only him. He was always captivated by life's little secrets.

It was the beauty within him that exposed the beauty on the outside to you.

His car was an old, roofless classic. He was beyond proud of it, as it was a gem he'd inherited from his father and intended to care for just as intensely as his father had. The radio was a bit scratchy, as well, and the reception wasn't that great out on the back streets of the countryside where you were travelling. But he made do with what he had, and though the sound waved in and out, you could faintly make out Ed Sheeran's voice playing through the speakers. It was that 'Thinking Out Loud' song. Niall knew every word by heart and when a silence fell upon his car, he let the lyrics fall from his lips in a sweet and quiet pitch. He sounded as though he were singing softly to himself, but everyone listened to him like he was on stage performing for a crowd. The crowd being the five of you that piled in the car with him.

Greg was sat in the passenger seat next to Niall. Harry, Louis, Liam, and you were all squished together in the backseat. You were practically on Liam's lap. "We should start a band or something," Louis announced with a chuckle, "The six of us. We'll call ourselves 'The Car Singers'." 

This coaxed another laugh out of Niall as he nodded and sarcastically commented, "Right." You smiled, because Niall was smiling and you still hadn't stopped staring at the side of his face from the backseat. 

"But where would we get our music from?" Greg asked, taking a joke as a serious proposal. "We'd have to be one of those bands that plays our own music."

"We've got Niall," You perked up, "He can play his guitar for us."

Niall glanced at you from his spot and beamed widely, flashing his teeth at you. He turned his head back to the road with that same bright smile glued to his face. "What a wonder dreaming is," Niall said, his words dripping in a poetic tone.

The sun was beginning to set now, but the six of you intended to carry your road trip far into the night. "Hey, let's make a pit stop at that lake over there," Greg pointed to a body of water in the distance. You could see the sunset being reflected on the still surface of the water. "Little skinny dip, eh?"

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now