Chapter 63

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Shay POV

The doctor came out of two double doors with a clipboard in one hand and a sad expression on his face. We all stood up and walked to meet the doctor. Instead of bombarding him with questions we stood their quietly.
"So I'm I do have some bad news. Josie was pronounced dead. I'm so sorry for your loss." The doctor said. He turned on his heel and walked back through the double doors he came in. We all stayed there in the same position and didn't move a muscle. We let what just happened soak in and then that's when it hit us. We group hugged and cried together. It was especially hard on Matt, Shawn, and I. We cried the most. We walked out of the hospital and to the car.

*2 Weeks Later*

We made funeral arrangements and Jo's funeral was today. I put on my black skater dress and some black flats. I came down the stairs and the guys were in suits. I didn't wear any make up because it was just going to get washed off by tears. We got in the car and drove to the church in silence. We arrived at the church and sat in the front pews. Her casket was sitting there on what looked like a bed of white roses and her soccer jersey, game winning ball, and her lucky shin guards and cleats with silver souls.
"We are gathered here today to recognize the death of a wonderful, talented, and strong young lady named Josie Espinosa." The priest said. He continued with his speech and asked Matt to give a speech.
"Um as most of you know my name is Matt Espinosa. Jo was my sister and I never did get to say goodbye. I never got to tell her how much I loved her and wanted to be there for her when she won the gold at the Olympics. She was a great person, she made everyone feel better even if they are in the worst mood possible. She was our little sunshine. Jo I hope you have fun playing for Heaven's Olympic team." Matt finished his speech and then the priest continued.
"Now Josie wanted a special person to come and give a speech. Could Shay Caniff please come up." The priest said. I walked up on stage and started.
"Um I'm not really prepared but Jo did asked me to give some tell some people about her. Matt she told me that when she died she wanted to tell you that she loved you a lot, more than you can imagine. And that you were the best big brother she ever had. Shawn she wanted me to tell you that if she had a future she'd want it to be with you and only you. She said she loves you very much and can't wait to see you again. And last she told the guys and me that we were the best friends she ever had. She couldn't ask for anyone better." I finished. I was in tears and so we're the guys. After the funeral we went drove to the cemetery where she was going to be buried. We watched them lower her casket into the cold hard ground and cover her with dirt.
"Goodbye Jo." I whispered

The End

I hope you guys enjoyed this book. There will be a sequel to this. I don't know what it will be called but give me some ideas if you have any. Thanks for reading and voting. I'll let you know when the sequel is out.
K bye

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