Chapter 32

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*At Lake*

Shay POV

We finally got to the lake and went to the dock where the boat was waiting for us. Matt was the first one on the boat and didn't even realize that is dad was sailing.
"Alright girls and boys off all ages I would like to announce that today will be the best day of your life. We have some competitions that we need to address. Today on wakeboarding we have Shay, Hayes, Taylor, and Matt. Competing for the tubing prizes we have Jo, Nash, and Carter. And last for the water skiing we have Shay, Jo, Cameron, and Aaron. Now let's go." Brandon said starting the boats engine. We tied the ropes to the back of the boat and began with wakeboarding. I was first up I sat in the water waiting.
"Hit it!" I yelled. The boat gained speed and Gilinski was vlogging the whole thing. I finally got a good wave and did a flip in the air. I got another one and twisted over the rope. I signaled for Brandon to cut it so I could come back to the boat.
"Oh my gosh that was so sick I've never flipped like that before." I said sitting on the back of the boat. I took my board off and gave it to Hayes, it was his turn. He did a back flip and one of the twist things I did. He came back to the boat and took the board off and handed it to Taylor.
"You did amazing, I bet you beat me." I said
"No one could beat you your too perfect." Hayes said grabbing my hand.
"Okay love birds could you sit down so we can watch Taylor wipe out." Matt said. Taylor finished then it was Matt's turn. Matt completely wiped out and it was hilarious.
"I will now declare the wakeboarding champions. In third place we have Matthew Espinosa. In second we have Taylor Caniff. And tied for first for some of the best tricks I have ever seen is Shay Caniff and Hayes Grier." Brandon declared
"Yeah whoo." Everyone cheered
"Okay let's get that tube in the water." Jo said throwing the tube in the water and jumped on it.
"Hit it!" She yelled. I think Jo won the catching the most air. She came in then Nash went and then Carter.
"And winner of catching the most air goes to Josie or Jo Espinosa." Brandon said
"Wait no one knows her real name is Josie besides family, how do you know that?" Matt asked
"Matthew are you serious?" Jo asked
"Dad?" He asked
"Jesus it took you long enough." Nash said
"Do we need to talk you through the whole thing?" Jo asked
"So Jo asked me to come here to get her so I could visit you before she leaves for soccer." Brandon explained
"Oh that makes sense, when are you guys leaving?" Matt asked
"Tomorrow." Jo said
"NOOOOO!" I cried
"What?" Hayes
"I can't be alone with you guys, I need a girl to keep me sane." I said
"I'm sure one of us could act like a girl for the rest of the tour." Johnson said.
"No I'm good, I'm not that desperate." I said
"Anyway, staying on longest goes to Carter Reynolds, and best wipe out goes to Nash Grier." Brandon finished
"Now last event before we go.  First on skis we have Cameron Dallas." Brandon said. Cam went then Aaron then Jo then me.
"And in fourth place for one of the craziest tricks I have seen in my lifetime also one of the biggest fails, Cameron Dallas. In third place we have Aaron Carpenter. In second for skiing on one foot for a matter of about 30 seconds then wiping out is Shay Caniff. And in first place for holding the rope in one hand and skiing with one foot, my only daughter Jo Espinosa." Brandon finished
"Okay guys let's get back to the dock." Brandon said

*At Dock*

"Let's play King of the Dock!" Jo exclaimed
"Okay" everyone said
"Everyone get partner, if you push your partner off the dock first you move on to the next round." She said

Shay& Matt

I won and so did Jo. We had to get new partners

New partners:
Jo& Gilinski

Me and Jo won again! I think the guys are letting us win. Now we had to have a group of three and push one off for the top two.

Group of three:

Me and Jo ganged up on Hayes and shoved him in the cold lake water. The final two were me and Jo. We started to try and shove each other off when Taylor came and shoved both of us off the dock.
"I guess we tied." I said pulling myself up on the dock.
"Good game." Jo said shaking my hand
"Good game, woah what happened to your arm?" I asked seeing the huge gash in her arm.
"I don't know but I can't feel it." She said
"Hey Brandon can you come here please, quickly?" I yelled
"What is it?" He asked
"Jo cut her arm and its pretty bad." I said
"Oh it's not too bad let's put a bandage on it." He said examining the cut.
"Okay I'm gonna go get changed." I said standing up
"Shay, oh my God what did you do?" Shawn yelled
"I didn't do anything what are you talking about?" I asked concerned.
"Your toe, look it's like ripped off I mean not all the way but you can see like the bone." He said
"Oh well would you look at that it is." I said
"I'll go wash it off." I said walking to the waters edge
"Hey Brando do you by any chance have another bandage?" I asked
"Yeah in the first aid kit." He said
"Thank you." I said grabbing the bandage and wrapping it around my pinkie toe.
"Shay your gonna need stitches." Shawn said
"I know I'll go when we get back to the hotel." I said
"No you need them your loosing a lot of blood, look." Shawn said

*After Getting Stitches*

"Guys I'm fine I don't need help." I said getting out of the car.
"Please just let us help you. It'll make us feel a lot better." Cam said
"Fine but please don't treat me like a baby." I said. We all walked into the hotel laughing at the memories of today.


Longest chapter out of this whole book. I need ideas for the sequels title. Feel free to comment or DM me if you have any ideas. Thanks for over 200 reads.
K bye

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