Chapter Twenty-Three

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*At Hotel*

Hayes POV

We got back to the hotel from the meet and greet and I found three letters on my bed. I read what they said.
"TAYLOR, GUYS GET IN HERE NOW SHAY'S IN TROUBLE HURRY!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard soft weeps coming from the bathroom.
"Shay is that you?" I asked. The sobbing continued. I tried to open the door but it was locked.
"GUYS GET IN HERE THE DOOR'S LOCKED!" I cried. They all came bursting through the door.
"Shay open the door please come on now!" Shawn said
"Hayes what did those letters say?" Cam asked
"They were notes for all of us saying how much she loves us and she's sorry it has to be this way. I don't know what it means though." I explained
"It's a suicide note." Taylor said
"SHAY OPEN THIS MOTHER F**KING DOOR OR I'LL KNOCK IT DOWN!!" Taylor shouted you could here her crying even over all the shouting. Taylor busted the door down to see his sister and my girlfriend next to the bath tub in a puddle of blood with the razor next to her.
"Call 911!" Nash yelled. Carter called and finally the paramedics came in with the stretcher and took Shay to the hospital. Taylor went with her in the ambulance and the rest of us met them at the hospital. We've been here for about two hours and still no updates on her. I can't believe I didn't see this I should've talked to her about it but she never had any scars on her wrists or legs so why did she just do it now? Why I didn't even get the chance to tell her I loved her. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I loved Shay Caniff! It should have been me I should've knocked down the door-
"Family and friends of Shailene Caniff." The doctor said interrupting my thoughts.
"Okay so Shay has some bad blood loss but she seemed to regain it quite quickly which is good, if you guys didn't find her when you did she would be dead but you can visit her one at a time. She's still pretty shook up about things." The doctor finished. Taylor went in first

Taylor POV

I went in her room to find her laying on the bed her eyes open and awake but they were a dull gray color rather than the bright blue orbs that I once knew.
"Hey sissy, you feeling any better?" I asked
"A little I guess but why did you and the guys save me, why didn't you just leave me?" Shay said
"Shay we care about you way too much to ever let something happen to you and this is a perfect example of how much we want you with us okay. You make everything better you make everyone smile more than they already do, when I first met Hayes on the last tour I went on he was a horrific mess who could barely walk on his own two feet. But now that he has you he is the happiest I have ever seen him. Same with all the guys but not as bad as Hayes. Shay we can't lose you, you are the glue that holds us all together and if we don't have the glue there won't be that amazing slime people make. Okay that sounded weird but you know what I mean. I love you Shay-Bae and I think someone else wants to see you." I said
"Love you too Tay-Bae." She said smiling. There's the smile I love.

Hayes POV

Finally I get to go in there. I saw her there with her pale face and dull gray eyes that were also blood shot. She got to go home today so she was in her normal clothes. She shot up and hugged me.
"Thank you so much." She cried into my shoulder.
"For what?" I asked
"You saved my life you could have left me but you didn't I guess I was wrong." She said looking down
"Wrong about what?" I asked
"Well you know when I ran out of the meet and greet thing I didn't need fresh air I was going back to the hotel. I only left because this one girl said that I didn't deserve you guys or Taylor and that I'm a slut and I should go kill myself because I'd be doing everyone a favor." She explained
"No you wouldn't be doing anyone a favor you would just make it hard for all of us. And I can't lose you. I thought you were dead. I thought I would never get the chance to tell you I love you or hold you in my arms again. I love you Shay Caniff and I have absolutely fallen head over heels for you and I never want to leave your side.


Hey guys. Aw I ship #Shayes. How do you guys think this chapter was? Leave comments and don't forget to vote.
K bye

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