Chapter 49

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Hayes POV

I went down to Florida so I could see my brother Will. He always knew how to fix things. I also didn't want to go to Florida because that's where my first kiss was. With Shay it all felt so right, like there was no problems in the world like wars or world hunger. I can't stop thinking about her. I have to stop. I knew she was trying to prove a point with Shawn but still I'm not mad anymore. I really hate my feelings right now, I don't know what to do.

Shay POV

Thank the Lord I brought enough money. I'm going to Florida. I'm going to live with my aunt and uncle Lindsey and Mark. If they'll take me. I wanted to see the swimming hole me and the cave Taylor and I painted last summer. I also wrote my name with Hayes. I missed him so much. I really want to see him. No stop I can't. He's always been jealous of me being friends with other guys. I got my ticket and boarded the plane.

*After Plane Ride*

I gave the cab driver the address to Lindsey and Mark's place. I always called Lindsey Lindy because I couldn't pronounce her real name and it's stuck ever since. I decided to text her because she is the only one who really needs to know where I am.
L- Lindy S- Shay
S- hey Aunt Lindy I'm in Florida do mind if I come over for a while something happened.
L- yeah that's fine do you need to talk about it?
S- yeah but not over text. I'll be there in about 10 minutes.
L- okay see you then
*End Convo*

I arrived at her house and knocked on the door.
"Hey Shay come on in." Lindy said
"How long do you think I can stay for. Taylor doesn't exactly know where I am." I explained
"You can stay as long as you need. Can you tell me what happened?" She asked. I explained everything that happened but I left out the part where I kissed Shawn. And to be specific I kissed him on the cheek. Friends do that all the time. Don't they?
"Oh honey I'm so sorry but you need to talk it out with this Hayes boy and tell your brother where you are." She said
"I can't tell Taylor where I am. He'll come looking for me and he'll bring the guys." I said putting my hands over my face.
"Wait what guys?" She asked
"Magcon. I used to be apart of it then all that happened and I left. I stayed in Indiana for two nights then I came here." I said
"Tell me more about these Magcon guys." She said obviously interested.
"Well first there is Can, he's kinda the leader of the group I guess. He's really sweet and caring. When dad died he let me and Tay stay with him. Then Nash or we call him Nashty or Trash Nash. He's a goofball he's also Hayes's older brother. Matt is one of the most random people you'll ever meet. We call him dinosaur or matt- a saures- rex. Carter is a very dirty minded person especially during truth or dare but that's all of them. Aaron is my best friend I could trust him with anything. He was the first person I told that I liked Hayes." I couldn't finish the rest I was in tears.
"Lindy do you mind if I go for a walk?" I asked
"Yeah you should think things through. Just be back before dark okay." She said
"Okay I'll be back in a little bit." I said. I walked out the door and found the path Taylor and I found when we were kids. I got to the edge of the water. I knew I was going to come here so I had my swimsuit on. I hung my clothes on a tree limb and jumped in. I swam to the other edge where the cave was. I entered the cave and I heard crying. I heard someone crying.
"Is someone there?" I called

Oh who's going to be in the cave? Is it some one Shay knows? Read to find out.
K bye

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