Chapter 50

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Hayes POV

So it turns out I can't see Will because he has football. I went to the cave Shay showed me when we were in Florida for the last tour. I saw all the paintings that I'm assuming her and Taylor did. I went to the very back of the cave where we were when we had our first kiss. I saw S and H in an arrow heart. I didn't realize how much I missed her. You never know how much you love someone until they're gone.
"Is someone there?" I heard someone call. It was a girl.
"Are you okay?" She asked. She was near the front of the cave.
"I'm fine." I said quietly. The cave echos so she probably heard me.
"Hayes." She said just above a whisper.
"Shay?" I said
"Hayes? Is that you?" She called
"Shay it's me." I stood up and ran to the front of the cave.
"Shay. I missed you so much." I said
"I'm sorry I left and I'm sorry about the whole Shawn situation." She said
"Shh you don't need to be sorry. You were trying to tell me I needed to stop being so jealous. I'm sorry." I said
"Hayes what are we going to do? Everyone's all pissed off. We can't go back." I said
"Does anyone know where you are?" I asked
"No one besides my Aunt Lindy." She said
"I thought your family was dead?" I asked letting go of her and looking into her eyes.
"Um yeah about that. We just said that because we didn't want to live here with Lindy and Mark." She explained "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."
"It's okay. You need to tell Taylor where you are." I said
"I can't he'll never forgive me and what about you?" She asked
"Will knows I'm here nobody else does." I said
"Okay well tell them where we are then we'll go back to Cali and go back on tour with the guys and o2l and it'll all be back to normal." I said
"I'm not going on tour. Even if o2l is going to be there." She said folding her arms across her chest.
"Then what will make you go?" I asked
"If you had a million dollars then yes I would go." She said jokingly
"What about this?" I asked crashing my lips against hers.
"I guess that's worth going for." She said her arms still hanging around my neck.
"Was that equivalent to a million dollars." I asked
"No that was more than Steve Job's net worth." She said. She smiled at me and we intertwined our hands.
"While we're here we might as well go swimming." I said
"Okay but I promised Lindy I'd be back before dark." She said
"Just tell Lindy that you figured out what to do and you'll need back a little later than you thought you'd be." I said tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"Okay I just have to get my phone." She said. She jumped in the water and swam to the other end of the shore.

Shay POV

I walked over to my clothes pulled out my phone and texted Lindy.
S- hey Lind I'm going to be a little bit late. I figured out what to do. Thanks for everything.
L- no problem. Have fun with Taylor and the guys. I bought you a ticket back to Cali.
S- thanks again and I'll be out tomorrow. Do you mind if one of my friends stay over too
L- not at all who is it
S- it's Hayes. We'll be gone tomorrow morning we have to go back and make things right.
L- okay come home soon
*End Convo*

I jumped back in the water and swam over to Hayes.
"She told me it's fine and do you want to stay with me tonight?" I asked
"Sure I had nowhere to stay anyway. Now come on let's go to the top." He said pulling me by the hands. We got to the top of the cliff and jumped together.

*After Swimming*

"Hayes it's really dark out and we better get going because I walked here." I said
"Okay let's go." He said. We dried off and put our normal clothes on. We walked to Lindy's house which wasn't very far away.
"Lindy I'm home." I said walking in the house
"Hey hun I left some ramen noodles out for you." She said from the kitchen.
"Okay thank you. By the way this is Hayes." I said
"It's nice to meet you Hayes." Lindy said
"Lindy where's mark I haven't seen him?" I asked
"He's on a business trip. He'll be back tomorrow." She said. Hayes and I sat down as Lindy warmed up the noodles. We ate dinner and cleaned the dishes up.
"Lind we are going to bed. Thanks for dinner." I said
"Okay. Night Shay. Night Hayes." She said
"Night Lindy." We said at the same time.

*Next Day*

We were at the airport ready to board the plane.
"Thanks for letting us stay. Taylor and I will visit soon." I said hugging Lindy.
"Your welcome. And you and the guys are welcome anytime. Make sure to invite Mark and I to your wedding." Lindy joked
"Um okay. We better go. Thanks again." I said. Hayes and I walked to our gate and boarded the plane. I never told Taylor where I was or if I was coming back. I wanted it to be a surprise... Kinda.

I'm on a roll. I have a lot of ideas. I don't know when this book is going to end but probably not very soon.
K bye

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