Chapter Five

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*Magcon Day*

Taylor's POV

Today we were leaving for Orlando to go to Magcon. We got to the airport just as our flight was being called we went through security and had to sprint to our gate
"Last call for flight 211 to Orlando Florida" the lady said over the intercom.
We boarded the plane and took off. Shay fell asleep on my shoulder.
*After plane ride*
"Shay wake up come on we're here let's go!" I said shaking her she wouldn't budge. I picked her up off the seat. Luckily her carry on was only a backpack. I threw her over my shoulder and carried her to the baggage claim. I put her down in a chair and waited for our bags. Once I had our bags I still had to carry her out to the rental car. I lied her down on the backseat and started driving to the hotel we were staying at.

Shay's POV

We were driving I could tell. I finally woke up cause Taylor went over a speed bump and I hit my head on the window.
"Ow that hurt" I said holding onto the spot that I hit.
"Well look who's up we are almost to the hotel" Tay said
"How long did I sleep?" I asked yawning
"Well you slept the entire plane ride I had to carry you off the plane and to the baggage claim, I got our bags and carried you to the car along with our stuff and yeah that's pretty much it. Oh we're here" Taylor said getting our stuff out of the car.

Cameron Dallas's POV

I've only met Shay once and she was only ten and from what I have heard she completely changed at least that's what Taylor said. God I can't wait to see her again she's my unbiological sister and I swear if anyone of those guys hurt her I will kill them.

Matt's POV

I can't wait for Jo and Shay to meet I still don't know how they are going to react around each other. Girls are so confusing like they haven't even met someone and they already make judgements about them. Jo was telling me yesterday how she would probably be like all the other girls at school, mean and rude.

Taylor's POV

We got out of the car and all the guys meet us out there. Shay hid behind me she was always nervous around new people.
"Hey guys this is Shay she's my mini me obviously she's wearing a bandana" I introduced her to the guys and they seemed to really like her.

Shay POV

I was so nervous to meet the guys I knew Cam and that's it I didn't know anyone else. I received some hi's and Hello's from the guys. I hope it's not like back home where guys would just bully me.

"Okay room assignments" the manager Bart yelled
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Jack G
Jack J
"Okay here are your room keys now go upstairs and unpack we have a sound check at 1:00 pm tomorrow and a show at 4.

Thank you guys so much for the reads please keep commenting and voting as you can see I update a lot and I would like to keep it that way. Thanks again.

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