Chapter 53

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*One Month Later*
Shay POV

We left for tour last month and today we are going to Idaho. Cam said we were going to Silverwood so we could go to the water park and the roller coasters of course. We were on our way to Boise, Idaho on the tour bus. I wasn't the only girl this time, Jo was here but so was another girl named Mahogany. She was really nice but also really girly and I wasn't used to any girls I hung around being that way. I've always hung around guys or Jo. She's a tomboy like me. Normal girls like the mall and Starbucks and shoes and I could go on and on. I've never liked that kinda stuff. Most girls will be at the mall talking about boys and the capitan of the football team and how he is so hot. I'd rather be playing sports or climbing a tree or something fun like swimming. Most girls will tan rather than swim. Not me I'd rather be in the water. Cam was driving the bus while we belted out the lyrics to whatever came on the radio. Then one of Shawn's songs came on and we really sang those words as loud as we could.
"GUYS SHUT UP YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME CRASH!" Cam yelled. He shut the radio off so he could concentrate on driving.
"Bitch you killed my jam." Carter said
"Do you guys want to play cards?" Jo asked
"What game, crazy eights, slap jack, go fish?" I asked
"Shanghai." She said
"Oh I never thought of that one. I love that game." I said
"What the hell is Shanghai?" Shawn asked
"It's a card game we'll teach you." I said. Jo got the cards out and we started shuffling them. We dealt the cards and began the game. As soon as we played a couple rounds the guys got the hang of the game so it was very competitive now. Jo was keeping score and she was winning but I was a close second.
"Can I buy that?" Aaron asked
"Nope it's mine kiss my ass." Matt said taking the card. We finished the game and started playing heads up. It was the adult version too. One of the cards said Lap Dance on it. Carter was guessing and we were trying to give him hints.
"Okay so what is this." Jo said pointing to her lap
"Va-j-j." He said tilting the phone down. He didn't get it right but he gave it to himself. We finished the game because my phone died but we're at Silverwood, finally. We parked the bus and walked through the entrance.
"I'm going on the roller coasters." I said
"I'll come too." Connor said
"Me too." Hayes said. We split up and said we'd meet at the train depot at 7:30 pm. It was 2:30 pm right now. Hayes, Connor, Ricky and I were riding roller coasters together. Hayes and I decided to go on the most intense one here. The Aftershock.
"Hayes can you sit with me?" I asked
"Sure babe. Are you scared?" He asked
"Not too bad I just don't want to puke while it's going." I said. He grasped my hand in his.
"You'll be fine. I'm right here. And if you puke it'll go on Ricky and Connor." Hayes said
"Thanks Hayes." I said
"Anytime Shay." He said putting his arm around my shoulder. I put my arm around his waist and he held my hand with the hand that was over my shoulder. It was out turn to go. We buckled into our seats and waited for the ride to start. The buzzer went off that meant the ride was going to start. We shot backwards up the first drop. I heard a click then we were free falling back through the loading dock and then we were upside down and started to go down backwards. Once the ride was over we walked down the ramp. I was really dizzy and I tripped over my own feet. Hayes caught me right before I hit the ground.
"Nice save." I said as he pulled me up
" I couldn't just let you fall, now could I?" He asked
"No you couldn't." I said. He kept a hold of my hand as we walked to the next ride. We went on the Tremors rollercoaster and it takes your picture as you go down one of the drops.

Hayes POV

Shay was holding my hand the whole time. She's so cute when she's scared.
"Oh shit I'm gonna die, this is my death. F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Why did I agree to do this?" She said to herself. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and she relaxed a little. Instead of screaming when she's scared she'll start saying bad words in almost every sentence. It's actually really funny. When the ride stopped we went to the gift shop to look at the pictures.
"I look so retarded." She said
"No you don't look at the people behind us." I said
"Hayes that's Ricky and Connor." She said
"Oh it is. Let's get the pictures then go on that one that drops you straight down." I said excitedly
"Okay." She said
"Can we get two 3x6 of 1036 please." I asked. The guy handed me the framed pictures and we left to the next ride.

*@ 7:30*

We have been riding rides all day. Shay and I went on The Aftershock five times in a row. We always tried to get the very front. It was the best place, plus Shay would get really scared and hold my hand really tight. After we went on our favorite ride for the eighth time today it was 7:30 and we had to go and meet back up with everyone. We were going to go back the next day because we got two day passes.
" We have to stay in a hotel tonight then we come back here tomorrow and then we go to Boise after we're done here." Cam explained
"Okay let's go I'm tired." I said. I held Shay's hand in mine as we walked back to the bus.

Well that was a fun chapter. The picture at the top is an actual ride at Silverwood it is called the Aftershock and it is the best ride I have very been on. My sister and I went on that ride at least twelve times within two days.
K bye

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