Chapter Sixteen

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*Next Day*

Hayes POV

Today we have to tell everyone that Shay and I are dating. I'm so nervous, I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my life. Shay says I'll be fine and if Taylor lays a finger on me she'll make him regret it. I don't know what that means but when she said it she had a very devious look in her eyes. She's probably going to hurt him. Oh well. Shay was getting ready in the bathroom and came out in black high waisted shorts, a gray shirt and a flannel button up shirt (above) she barely wore any make up that's another thing I love about her.
"Hayes, Hayes Earth to Hayes." She said waving her and in my face.
"What?" I asked
"You've been staring at me for the past minute come the guys are calling us to breakfast." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door. We got down to the hotel's restaurant and sat with the guys I sat between Shay and Matt. Taylor, Cam and Nash are all sitting across from us. Jo and Aaron are sitting together of course and Carter just got here and took the empty seat.
"Okay I have some announcements" Shay said standing up
"So first off I am going to start taking college classes so I can graduate early. Second this one isn't as important but it is important to me so I'm gonna announce it. I get my braces off next week. And Taylor and Nash this one is more for you guys than anyone else" she started but I stood up and grabbed her hand. "We're dating" I finished for her.

Oohh drama. What do think is gonna happen to Shay and Hayes? How will Taylor react? Read to find out. Sorry this was a short one.
K bye

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