Chapter 37

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Shay POV

Me and Tay have been here for about two weeks. I love living here it's amazing. Cam has a beach house that we all live in. For some reason Cam gave me the second master bedroom in the basement. I'm the only one in the basement and not gonna lie it's awesome but at night it gets a little scary. Like when the boys are walking around I can hear it. Or when Cam and his girlfriend are doing the Nashty I get an earful of that. I'm sitting in my bedroom taking some of the college classes that my principal needed to. I finished the math and science one, now I'm taking the English test. I'll admit it's hard but I do love a challenge.
*Ring ring*
I was getting a FaceTime called on my laptop... From Hayes. We haven't talked in a while but he's busy with football and I'm busy with school and trying to finish early.
"Hey." I said
"What's up?" He asked
"Nothing, just finishing that English test. You?" I asked
"Just got home from practice." He said
"Cool, how's football going?" I asked
"Pretty good, our quarterback broke his ankle so we have a new quarterback and since then we've only won two games." He said
"Wow that's not good. I finally got my application in for UCLA." I said
"That's amazing, have you heard anything back?" He asked
"No, I just sent it in yesterday. But I did get a letter from my old school saying that I got an academic scholarship and a sports scholarship for lacrosse." I said smiling
"Jeez I only got a football scholarship." He said laughing a little
"That's still amazing. And I haven't told Taylor or Cam yet, but I don't know how." I said looking down a little
"Are you seriously worried about what they will think?" He asked
"Well yeah kinda. Taylor doesn't want me to leave yet and Cam is right there with him." I explained
"Don't worry about it, just tell them you sent in your application and you got two scholarships to your dream school. They'll accept it trust me and if they don't I'll be right here for you." He said
"I wish you were really here." I said
"I wish I was too. Sky be quiet I'm trying to talk to someone." He said
"Wait, where is she I wanna say hi." I said
"Okay, hold on I'll go get her." He said. A few seconds later he came back with the little blonde haired girl from when I visited.
"Hey Sky." I said
"Hey Shay, whatcha doin?" She asked
"Just working on school stuff, is Hayes finally playing horses the right way?" I asked
"No, I don't think he ever will." She said jokingly
"What about Nash does he do it right?" I asked
"No, no one can play horses with me like you did." She said pouting.
"I'm sorry, once I finish school I'll come over and we can play horses together, okay?" I said
"Okay, you promise." She asked
"I promise, okay can I talk to Hayes now?" I asked
"Yeah, bye Shay." She said waving her hand
"Bye Sky." I said
"Okay Sky, go play horses." Hayes said ushering her out the door.
"She really misses you." He said
"I miss her too. I wish school was over already." I said
"Me too." He said
"Hayes who are you talking to?" I heard someone say
"Mom I'm talking to Shay." He said
"Oh tell her I said hi." Elizabeth said
"Okay, my mom says hi." He said
"I know I heard." I said
"Well I have some homework to get done. I'll talk to you later." He said
"So do I." I said
"Okay." He said
"Okay." I said
"Okay." He said
"Okay." I said
"Perhaps okay will be our always." He said smirking (TFIOS anyone?)
"Did you watch it?" I asked
"Yeah, don't tell anyone but it made me cry." He said
"That's okay, it made me cry too." I said
"Goodnight Hayes." I said
"Night Shay-Bae." He said and hung up. I looked at my clock it was 3:00 in the morning. That means it's midnight in NC. That was the first night in two weeks that I dreamt of Hayes Grier.

Filler chapter but more interesting stuff coming. This book is almost over but I will do a sequel. Thanks for over 400 reads.
K bye

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