Chapter 59

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Shay POV

"I don't know it was and unknown number." Hayes said
"What did it say?" I asked
"Just stuff like I better stay away from you or something bad will happen." He said. Just then we heard someone scream. Not a funny scream a blood curdling scream. It was Jo.
"JO!" I screamed and ran out. I followed the scream down the hall and to the stairs. Everyone started to follow me. Jo and the guy that took her went on the elevator so I pretty much jumped down the stairs. I went down five flights of stairs in a matter of minutes and ran out the front door. I heard the screaming again but this time farther away. I ran to the noise shouting.
"JO! JO!" I yelled. I heard a faint cry.
"Shay. In here. I'm okay."
"JO! I'm coming." I said. I ran to her voice and found her in an alley way covered in cuts and bruises and blood. The guys were running behind me yelling for Jo as well as some colorful phrases coming out of their mouths.
"Guys I found her." I said. I rushed over to her where she was leaning against the wall of the alley.
"Don't touch her or you get it too." A guy said coming out of a doorway.
"No you don't touch her or I call the police." I said standing up.
"How about you don't touch her or I'll kill you." He said
"Not if I kill you first." I said
"No I'm going to kill you first. Say goodbye asshole." He said pointing a gun at me
"Goodbye asshole." Taylor said coming out from behind him and knocking him out.
"Nice hit Tay." I said giving him a high five
"Okay let's call the cops, get rid of him and take Jo to the hospital." Taylor said
"Guys I don't know if you were paying attention but JO HAS A FUCKING GUNSHOT WOUND!" Shawn yelled picking Jo up bridal style. It didn't seem to phase him but he had blood all over his shirt. Taylor was holding the guy on the ground so he couldn't move. Matt had the cops on the phone and they were on the way with an ambulance. The ambulance showed up along with the cops and they took the guy away and Jo was rushed to the emergency room.
"We are glad you guys caught this guy we've been looking for him for a while. He's a known rapist we found him trying to you know do it with a girl in Indiana he's been on the run ever since." The cop said. Taylor and I looked at each other with really scared looks on our faces.
I was the girl from Indiana.

Sorry for the really slow update. I've been busy with school stuff because I start in four days. Thanks for over 3k reads. Let's get this book to at least 3.5k. Thanks again.
K bye

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