Chapter 52

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Taylor POV

No one was supposed to know that we had any family that was alive. We didn't want anyone to know because Shay would've had to go with Lindy instead of me. Shay and I also agreed to never speak or see her ever again until Shay was 18. As long as we stay away from Lindy for one more year.
"Hey Hayes can I talk to you... Alone." I said
"Sure what's up?" He asked
"So you know about the Lindy and Mark thing right?" I asked
"Um yeah but Shay made me promise to keep it a secret." He said
"I don't care that you know. You should know the whole story. So when our dad died I wasn't supposed to take custody of Shay. Lindy was but she never knew about dad. So we said we'd never speak of or see her until Shay was 18. She still doesn't know about dad or his brother." I explained
"She never told me that much and I swear not to tell anyone." He said
"Okay good. We want to tell them when we are ready and we want them to hear it from us and no one else." I said
"Okay thanks for telling me Tay." He said and walked away

Shay POV

Taylor was talking to Hayes and I was doing a back flip competition with Cam. He won but whatever
"What did Taylor want to talk to you about?" I asked Hayes
"About that thing. You know. Florida." He said hinting at Lindy.
"Got it. Sorry Cam I'm gonna ditch you I need to talk to Hayes." I said
"Shay you would ditch me for him. I'm way cooler." Cam said
"Yes, you are cooler but Hayes is prettier. So bye." I said
"I am deeply offended." Cam said
"I know, bye." I said getting off the trampoline.
"Hayes come here I need to tell you something." I said waving my hand for him to come over.
"Hey what's up?" He asked
"Come on we need to talk alone." I said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and he sat on the bed.
"What did you need to talk about?" He asked
"Nothing I just wanted to be alone with you." I said sitting down next to him.
"Okay do you wanna watch Netflix?" He asked
"Sure. What do you want to watch?" I asked
"Have you ever see White Chicks?"
Yes that's like my favorite movie. You wanna watch it?" I asked
"Yeah." He said. I put the DVD in the player and sat down next to Hayes. He had his arm around my waist and one of my arms across his stomach.
"You want some popcorn?" I asked
"Yeah." He said
"Okay I'll be right back." I said. I got out of his grasp and walked down the stairs. The guys were outside throwing water balloons at each other. I went to the kitchen and got out the popcorn seeds, butter, oil, and a big pot. First I put the oil in the bottom of the pot and put 1 1/2 cups of seeds. I let the seeds pop and I melted the butter. When it was done I put the butter in the pot and shook it around. Then I put it in a bowl with some salt and ranch seasoning. I brought it back upstairs and Hayes was asleep on my bed.

Connor Franta POV

I haven't officially met Shay yet even though the other guys and I have been here for almost a week. Shay's really cute. Her and Hayes are really close I guess. I wonder if she's dating anyone? I got really curious about where she was so I went to look for her. I looked in what I thought was her room. It was but I didn't like what I saw. She fell asleep with Hayes. Maybe they are dating. That's weird, I thought she wasn't dating Hayes. I thought they were friends. While we've been here Jo and Kian have really hit it off they're like best friends now. Shay and Ricky are like long lost siblings that just found each other and maybe I should have taken the hint that they were dating when Hayes got jealous of Shay and Ricky hanging out.

Sorry for not updating in a while this chapter took a while. I think I'm going to do a time skip to like a month later when they're on tour. What do you think? Leave your suggestions in the comments.
K bye

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