Chapter Seven

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Shay POV

We were just about to start truth or dare so we all sat on the floor in a circle and Jo started
"Matt t or d?"
"I dare you to run down the hallway in your underwear singing Shake it Off" we all laughed at Matt as he ran down the hallway. We ended up getting a warning saying if we disturbed other residents we would get kicked out.
"Shawn t or d" Matt said
"Truth" Shawn said
"Do you have feelings for anyone in this room right now?" Matt asked
"No I don't sorry" he said
"Jo t or d?" Shawn asked
"Dare" she said in kind of a 'duh' tone
"I dare you to make out with Gilinski for two whole minutes." Shawn said

Gilinski POV

Jo is pretty cool but I don't like her that way. I would rather be friends.

Jo POV (sorry for changing so much)

I may have a tiny crush on Gilinski but I don't want to do that.

Gilinski POV

We both went in the bathroom and sat down
"Do you actually want to?" I asked
"No not really but we can fake it if you want to." She said basically reading my mind.
"Okay just start making soft noises okay" I said
We heard the guys outside the door with Shay.
"Okay you two you didn't have to go that far." Shawn said. We just laughed and came out and sat back in our spots and kept playing.

Shay POV

"Shay t or d" Jo asked
"Dare" I said unsure
"I dare you to sit on Aaron's lap for the rest of the round" she said with a smirk on her face.

Aaron POV

I do like Shay as a sister why couldn't it be Jo cause I really like her and when her and Gilinski went in the bathroom that really pissed me off. Shay very cautiously came over to me and sat on my lap I knew she was nervous I could feel her shaking.

Shay POV

Aaron is like my brother except he's not he's that really laid back brother that no one ever really notices. I was shaking really bad I hope he doesn't notice.

"Hayes t or d?" I asked
"Dare" he says
"I dare you to call a random number and once they pick up yell pubic hair and hang up" I said laughing a little in between.
"Okay" he said. He called some random guy and yelled it. I cannot believe he just did that I thought to myself.
"Okay uh Taylor t or d." Hayes said
"I dare you to kiss your sister full on the lips." He said smiling at me.
"Ew I don't want to kiss Taylor who knows where his mouth has been." I said in disgust.
"Well a dare is a dare Shay Taylor has to do it." Hayes said. We leaned in and just barely touched each other's lips.
"GET SOME TAYLOR" Cameron yelled. Taylor chased him around the room and finally tackled him. I went in the bathroom and washed my mouth out and scrubbed my face with soap.
"Okay Carter t or d" Taylor asked
"Truth" Carter said
"Wuss" Taylor muttered "Anyway is it true you liked Jo at one point in time."
"Umm yeah I guess it is true" he said blushing.
"Cameron t or d" Carter asked
"Truth" he said
"When you first met Shay did you like her" Carter asked
"Well she was ten so it would be really creepy but I knew she would be like my second sister." He looked at me and smiled.
"Nash t or d?" Cam asked
"Dare" he said
"I dare you to skip down the street yelling I'm gay." Cam said. Nash did it and we all laughed
"Hayes t or d" Johnson said
"I dare you to make out with Shay by you have to stay out here so we know your not faking it." Johnson said
"Woah woah woah woah hold up she is not making out with anyone and it doesn't matter if it's a dare or not." Taylor stated
"Come on Taylor it's just one time" I said
"Yeah one time leads to more times and more time leads to you being pregnant." Taylor said. The guys started laughing and I was still sitting there telling Tay nothing was going to happen between us.
"It's not going to happen okay, okay? Got it? And if I catch you with him doing anything you'll end up in a foster home where you belong." Taylor whisper yelled in my face but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. I started crying I can't believe he would say that he knows I'm sensitive about it.
"Fine I'll go don't miss me too much Taylor." I said through tears.

Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter it took the longest out them all.
What will happen? Will Shay go to the foster home? Or will her and Hayes show Taylor up? Read to find out.
Don't forget to comment and vote I love reading the comments.
K bye

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