Chapter Twenty-Four

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*On Tour Bus*

Shay POV

We've been on this stupid bus for six hours now and still have four more to go and these boys are driving me insane. Jo was lucky she had to go home because her parents were taking her to meet some college scouts for soccer. But she's going to meet us in L.A. when we get there. That's three weeks from now. Taylor and Carter are running around like chickens with there heads cut off. Matt's making dinosaur noises. Shawn and the Jack's are singing and the rest of them are trying to smack cam each other. Finally we had to stop and get gas. I got off the bus and went in the store to use the bathroom. When I came out I got some water and a bag of Takis and went back out to the bus. I sat down on the bed in the back and pulled out my laptop. I was watching 22 Jump Street when there was knock on the door.
"Hey can I come in?" Hayes asked
"Yeah you wanna watch a movie?" I asked
"Okay what movie?" He asked
"Well this website has tons of movies so what do you want to watch?" I asked
"You know that new Neighbors movie?" He said
"Yeah do you want to watch it?" I asked typing the movie into the search bar.
"Sure why not." He said. I turned put the movie on and we were watching it. There was a lot of very bad language.
"This movie is so bad." He said
"Yeah but maybe not so bad." I said smirking
"Why because Zac Efron is in it?" He asked
"Hey so is Dave Franco. Give him some credit too." I said getting a little embarrassed.
"What do you think they're hot?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"I've thought Zac Efron was hot since high school musical came out." I stated. He looked at me and laughed
"But you know no person can compare to me." He said fake flipping his hair.
"You're right, you want to see this really cute guy I saw on YouTube?" I asked
"Do I really want to?" He asked
"Yes you do." I said. I looked up Hayes Grier on YouTube but made sure he couldn't see.
"Okay look at this guy he's pretty cute isn't he?" I said showing him himself. He just started laughing uncontrollably I'm pretty sure he was crying at one point.
"Okay it really wasn't that funny come on." I said
"No it was pretty funny." He said still laughing. I put my laptop back in it's case and sat down on the bed to a still laughing Hayes.
"Okay how funny is this?" I said tickling his sides. He laughed even harder and his face was as red as a tomato.
"That's not funny but this is." He said turning me on my back and started tickling my sides.
"No. No. Stop. It. Tickles. Stop. Please." I said in between laughs.
"What is going on in here?" Taylor asked walking into the room
"She was tickling me so I had to get her back." Hayes explained
"Did you fine her really ticklish spot?" Taylor asked coming over to me.
"No Taylor do not do it, don't do it I'm warning you." I said trying to run but he wrapped his hands around my waist and threw me back on the bed and pinned me down so I couldn't move and again started tickling me. I finally managed to grab a pillow and hit Taylor right in the head.
"PILLOW FIGHT!!" Hayes yelled and all the guys came in and started whacking each other and me with pillows.
"Okay okay enough let's watch a scary movie. Anyone know any good ones?" I asked
"The Exorcist" Matt suggested
"The Shining" Nash said
"Occulous" Cam said
"Okay last one." I said
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Hayes suggested
"Okay let's take a vote." I said
The Exorcist- 7
The Shining- 0
Occulous- 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre- 2
"All in favor of watching The Exorcist say I." I said
"I" they all repeated
"All opposed say nay." I said. No response
"The Exorcist will be the movie of choice for tonight's viewing purposes. Motion carried." I said smacking my hand on the bed like the judge does in court. I turn on the TV and hook up my laptop so we can watch it on the big screen. Almost all of us were on the bed except Johnson, Gilinski, and Aaron were all on bean bag chair. I was squished between Hayes, Taylor, Nash and Matt. I felt my eyes get heavier and I fell asleep.


Sorry filler chapter it was pretty boring and long.
K bye

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