Chapter 27

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*At Football Field*

Shay POV

Today I prove G wrong. I can play football.

Team Trouble:

Team Freaks:


Johnson blew the whistle and Aaron kicked the ball off. Shawn was the receiver so he caught it. I ran as fast as I could and tackled him at the 20 yard line. I helped him up so we could keep playing. I sacked Hayes on the 3rd down. It was our ball now. Nash called the play and cam hiked the ball. I was the running back so I ran right through the middle of the boys for the end zone. I was running as fast as my skinny legs could carry me. Then I was tackled. Hayes thought it would be funny to tackle me right on the one yard line.
"I was almost there." I whined
"I know but I couldn't let you go in there now could I?" He said brushing my hair back behind my helmet.
"Okay love birds are we gonna play or what." Carter yelled. I ran back behind Nash for my favorite trick play.
"Hike!" Nash yelled. He faked a handoff to me and I ran into the end zone. He threw for the touchdown and I caught it.
"TOUCHDOWN!!!" I yelled spiking the ball. Johnson blew the whistle and threw his flag.
"Excessive celebration five yard penalty and the call is reversed no touchdown." Johnson said.
"Are you trying to make us lose by every mistake we make?" I asked
"Maybe." He said. I put my mouth guard back in and went behind Nash again.
"Dip shit." I muttered to Johnson. Nash called the play and cam made the touchdown. In the end my team won. I had some bruises on my leg and arms but that's okay.
"Oh my God your legs are you okay?" Matt asked after the game.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm not a baby." I said
"Clearly you're not, but zayum you can really play some ball." G said.
"What did I tell you girls can play too." I said taking my shoulder pads off. I took all my gear off and put it in the back of the rental  car. We all drove to the ice cream place. After we went back to the hotel and Jo was there waiting for us.
"What are you doing here you weren't supposed to be with us till we got to L.A." Matt said
"I know but I have to tell you something." She said

What's Jo gonna say? Read to find out
K bye

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