Chapter Twenty-Two

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*At Magcon*

Hayes POV

Jo and Aaron went somewhere to talk about who knows what. They came back seeming to like avoid each other. Why? I thought they were dating. Ohhh that's why Aaron was talking to Shay and he was crying. They probably broke up.

Shay POV

Jo and Aaron went to talk. They probably broke up. I feel so bad for her, well maybe if she's all torn up about it but you know I highly doubt it. Finally they got back and just in time for the meet and greet. I got to be with Hayes at his station thing (I don't know what they are called) Jo was with Matt. I got to meet some fans there were others that said
"Why are you Taylor's sister? He is way to good for you why don't you go back to the orphanage where you came from." One girl said. That really hit home, I'm not adopted but I also look nothing like Taylor what if I am? No I can't be my parents had a video of me being born that's impossible. I'm thinking too deep I need to stop. The next few girls that came were nice, but the next one was by far the worst.
"Why don't you go kill yourself, you don't deserve Taylor or any of these guys, I'm surprised Taylor took custody of you. I mean why look at you, you are the ugliest, probably the sluttiest most annoying and worst singer in the world. Nothing compares to me." She said. She was wearing a shirt that showed her boobs and shorts that showed half her ass cheeks. And she's calling me a slut. By this point I'm running out of the event center with tears in my eyes. No one knew I was gone. I got a cab and have him drive me to the hotel. I walked to the elevator and went up to my room and unlocked the door. I fell on my bed into a fit of tears.
"Why me? What's wrong with me? Am I fat? Maybe I don't deserve Taylor. Maybe I should kill myself. I started to write a note for each person.

You are or were an amazing brother don't forget that and you know I am really sorry for this but it feels like I have to. I love you Taylor and I can't say it enough. Taylor I want you to continue your life like I wasn't there okay. Please promise me you won't be moping around. Live your life to the fullest. Again I love you and I will really miss you, more than you know, you will always be in my heart. I love you Tay-Bae and we will always be together no matter the distance.
I love you,

Next was Hayes

I know our time was short but you know not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I never got the chance to say it but I love you Benjamin Hayes Grier, I love you with all my heart and soul. I wish I could have met your family. I have heard so much about Sky and Will and your mother. I'm sorry it had to be like this. I love you and no matter what you continue your life. I will just be a memory okay. Don't worry about me I will be in a better place where there is no hate, no sorrow, and only happiness. I want you to live your life to the fullest. And Hayes I want you to meet a very nice girl and settle down have a family of your own. But always know I will be there for you in your heart. I love you and I can't say it enough I love you. Protect what you have because you don't know how much you love it untill you lose it. Trust me I know. I'll always be your little Shay-Bae.
I love you,

Last the boys and Jo

Boys and Jo,
You guys keep being the crazy, annoying, and loud people you are and Jo you go do you okay? Don't let anyone tell you different. Boys I can't even describe how fun it was to be around you guys. No matter how embarrassing you were, chanting pubic hair in public, yelling cock in restaurants. I can't imagine my summer any other way. I love you all, your like the brothers I never had besides Taylor but anyway, I love you all so much. Aaron you were my big brother for this trip and thank you for being there for me and I hope you and Jo worked things out. I love you all and again I'm sorry for this I really am.
I love you,
I put the notes on the bed where they would see them and went in the bathroom.


CLIFFHANGER!! Anyone got the feels in that chapter. I was crying. What do think is going to happen to Shay or the boys and Jo?

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