Chapter 46

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Shay POV

I was kicking and screaming hoping who ever had a hold of me would let go.
"Scream and you die." The person said. He put a bandana around my eyes. It smelled like Taylor's. Oh no they have Taylor too. He shoved me into a car and started driving. We stopped and he pulled me out of the car and sat me down in a chair. I couldn't tell where we were but I could here leaves crunching behind me. We were probably outside somewhere. He took the blindfold off my eyes and there was all the guys and Hayes. Behind the guys was a banner that said 'Happy Magcon Tour'
"Surprise!" They all yelled
"What the actual f*ck you guys? You had someone kidnap me just so you could surprise me?" I practically yelled
"Brent, the kidnapping part was not planned." Taylor said
"Okay who the hell is Brent?" I asked
"Oh, Shay this is Brent, Brent this is Shay. Brent is going to be a special guest on tour with us." Taylor explained.
"Okay cool but next time could you just drive me and not kidnap me?" I asked
"Yeah, I guess so." Taylor said
"WHO'S READY TO TURN UP!" Carter yelled. We all cheered and had kind of a park party. Cam brought his Bluetooth speaker so we could listen to music. My favorite song Slow Hands by Niall Horan came on.
"Oh my God I love this song!" I yelled
"Hayes come on dance with me." I said pulling him by his hands. We all danced and sang our hearts out. Around 3 in the morning we were all laying on the grass looking at the stars.
"Guys we should get back home." I said
"Okay but first we have one more surprise." Taylor said. We got all of our stuff and got in our cars. Me and Hayes sat in the back of Matt's car, I laid my head on his shoulder and held my hand in his.
"Hey, don't fall asleep you have to be awake to see this." Hayes said shaking his shoulder a little.
"I'm not asleep. I'm just resting my eyes." I said
"Shay I know when you're about to fall asleep. Come on wake up." He said
"Fine, I'm awake." I said. We pulled up to the airport and got out.
"Hayes what are we doing here?" I asked "Are you leaving?"
"No I'm not leaving but we have to pick up some people." He explained. We walked into airport and to the baggage claim. There was...

Who's at the airport? Comment who you think it is. Thank you for the votes and reads!
K bye

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