Chapter 47

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Shawn's tour ended a couple weeks ago and my last soccer game was yesterday. Taylor asked us to come down to LA for Shay's birthday and some surprise for Shawn and I. Our flight landed at 3:30 am. Taylor said he would keep everyone up for us. We were at the baggage claim with our stuff for Taylor and the guys, and of course Shay.
"OMG!" I heard someone yell. Shawn puts his arms out like someone was going to hug him. Shay ducks under his arms and hugs me.
"Jo I missed you so much." She said. She was a good three or four inches taller than me so she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
"I missed you too." I said. She was like my other sister we got really close during the tour.

Shay POV

I missed Jo so much. I missed Shawn too but I missed Jo more.
"I give you that sick lacrosse gear and you don't even hug me?" Shawn asked putting his hand over his chest pretending to be hurt.
"Whatever come here." I said. Shawn gave me a big hug.
" 'Sup slim shady." He said. He's called me that since the tour  ended. We stayed like that for a couple seconds.
"Okay enough hugging." Hayes said pulling me away.
"What's wrong with hugging my best friend that I haven't see in six months?" I asked
"Nothing and I thought Aaron was your best friend?" He asked
"Oh is someone jealous?" I mocked
"No I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous." He said
"Because I was hugging Shawn and you pulled me away from him." I said
"Well you're dating me not him." He said
"Hayes just stop okay. He's one of my best friends okay so just stop with the whole jealousy act." I snapped
"I'm not jealous and I don't care if you're friends with him." He said
"Fine so you won't care if I do this?" I asked going over to Shawn and hugging him really tight and kissing him on the cheek.
"I know you do care but I don't feel like making you mad so I'm just gonna stop now." I said
"Stop what hitting on Shawn with me and Jo right in front of you." He said
"Oh my God Hayes I can't have friends who are guys can I? Maybe I shouldn't come on the next tour. Bye guys I'm leaving." I said letting go of Shawn and over to Taylor.
"Tay I'm going to go home." I said
"Okay we'll be there in a little while. We're going to grab some taco bell. Do you want any?" Taylor asked
"No I'm just going to go home." I said walking away
"Aaron can you make sure Hayes stays out of my room." I whispered to Aaron.
"Yeah no prob just get some rest okay." He said. I walked out to my car very pissed off. I drove home 30 miles over the speed limit. I heard a siren and saw flashing lights behind me. I got pulled over.
"Do you know why you were pulled over." The officer asked
"I'm really sorry I was speeding. Here's my license and registration." I said handing the officer my stuff.
"Thank you but I am going to give you a speeding ticket." He said. He handed me the ticket. It was for 500 dollars.
"You have a good night miss. And get through whatever you're going through. I know you can." He said
"How'd you know?" I asked
"There's tear stains on your cheeks. You'll get through it." He said. I'm going to have fun telling Taylor about my speeding ticket.

Ohhh Shay got busted and Hayes is pissed. Thanks for reading and voting.
K bye

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