Chapter 48

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Hayes POV
(WARNING changing POVS a lot)

Shay kissed Shawn on the cheek. I know I shouldn't be mad that they are friends but that pissed me off. I'm only jealous because I love her so much. Shawn makes me feel like I have competition. But he's dating Jo and now Jo's pissed and Shay's not going on tour it's all falling apart. O2L is coming in two days for the first show in LA and if we don't have our shit together this tour isn't going to happen.
"I'm leaving too." I said running down the aisles of the airport.
"What's your first flight to Florida?" I asked the lady


I know Shay was trying to prove a point but seriously Hayes needs to stop being jealous. It still pissed me off but what ever it didn't mean anything, did it?

Shawn POV

Okay what the actual f*ck just happened. Shay just kissed me and stormed off. Hayes stormed off and everyone is looking at me like I'm the one who did something wrong.
"What the hell?" I asked
"Let's just go." Taylor said. We got in the car and drove to Cam's beach house. We walked in and all slumped around the house. Being a human being I had to go to the bathroom. I walked in and on the mirror was a note written in lipstick.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
"But what if you're taking a shit and you just want us to see it." Carter yelled back
"GUYS ITS SHAY!" I yelled again. They all came rushing in.
"She's gone." Aaron said

Shay POV

I drove back to the airport and booked the first flight back to Indiana. I'm not going on tour. I'm never going to see any of the guys or Jo ever again. I got on the plane and flew back to my home town. I got there at 6:30 am. I walked to my favorite park and sat in the big Willow tree that I carved my name into when I was twelve. All I had with me was my carry on with enough clothes for a week. Where will I go after that. I have no where to sleep and I don't have my car or any money. I guess I could apply for a job? Yeah right the only job I could've had was with the guys. I miss the guys. No Shay snap out of it you're never going to see them again. Especially Hayes. I'm gonna miss my brother and Cam and Nashty. I'm never going to see Sky again even though I promised her I would come over and play horses with her. Damnit forgetting them isn't going to be as easy as I thought.

Hayes POV

I have to forget about Shay. I'm not going on tour and I'm not going home either. I'm going to a place where I know I'll be okay.

This chapter was pretty good, I thought. Where do you think Hayes went? And what's going to happen to the other guys?
K bye

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