Chapter Eleven

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*At Hospital* (I will be changing POVs a lot in this chapter)


Aaron told me he loved me. He loved me. Is it possible maybe I like him back no I love him back. No Jo you can't you'll just get hurt. It'll be like Mason again.

Aaron POV

I just confessed my feelings for the girl that I love. I hope she heard that I also hope she didn't because that was really embarrassing. Her hand started to twitch in mine
"Jo are you awake?" I asked. Her body started to shake violently.
"DOCTOR, NURSE, SOMEONE HELP SHES HAVING A SEIZURE!" I yelled. The doctors came rushing in and gave her a shot and it stopped. They rushed her into emergency surgery.


I heard everything Aaron said and I felt the same way I tried opening my eyes and then I felt myself shaking. I was so scared I heard Aaron yelling for doctor or nurse and I felt the shot in my arm. It hurt like hell. Next thing I know is I'm being pushed into a room and then a mask was put over my face and darkness consumed me once more.

Aaron POV

She went into surgery. I was bawling my eyes out at this point.
"Aaron are you okay?" It was Matt
"Where is Jo?" He asked.
"She started having a s-seizure and they took her in for e-emergency s-surgery." I explained between sobs
"Oh God" he said also about to cry. We sat against the wall and cried with each other
"Aaron I want you to know if she comes out alive and well you can date my sister." Matt said
"Thank you so much Matt that really means a lot." I said. We went back to the waiting room with everyone else and explained what happened. By the time I was done I was in tears again

Hey guys thanks again for reading this. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
What do think will happen? Will Jo's surgery go good or bad? How will Aaron handle it? Read to find out
K bye

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