Chapter 29

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*At Hotel*

Shay POV

We got to the hotel and there she was the one and only Madison Beer. God I hated her and so did almost everyone else.
"Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here?" She said hugging Gilinski.
"I missed you especially." She said booping her finger on his nose. Ew. We checked in and went to our rooms. Room assignments changed because Bart wanted us to bond with different people.
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3

I still share a room with Hayes and I'm not with Tay. I am not sleeping in the same bed as any of them. I love them and all but that has crossed the line. We all went to our rooms and I started to make my bed on the floor.
"What are you doing?" Hayes asked
"Sleeping on the floor, what does it look like?" I said
"No your not come here." He said. He pulled me up and set me on the bed.
"Here we'll put pillows between us, okay?" He said
"Thanks." I said
"No problem anything for my river lilly." He said
"Are you just repeating Guardians of the Galaxy?" I asked
"Maybe, maybe not, maybe I just came up with it for a delicate, pretty girl who is in need of a new nickname." He said
"I'm not delicate." I said
"I know you took G down in one hit." He said laughing. I got off the bed and went in the bathroom to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and hair. Then I put my rubber bands in. Only four more days til I get them off. I put on some soffe shorts and my lacrosse t-shirt. Hayes and the rest of the guys were asleep so put my glasses on and read for a little while. Once I put my book away I realized it was 4am. So I laid my head down on the pillow and fell asleep.

*Next Day*

Shay POV

I woke up before the boys so I took a shower and did all my normal stuff. I put on my Taylor Caniff shirt and ripped jeans with gladiator sandals (above)
"Guys wake up you have a show today." I yelled. They didn't move a muscle.
"Fine." I said. I grabbed an air horn out of Hayes's backpack. Don't ask me why he has it because I don't know. And blew it in their ears.
"Okay I'm up, I'm up." Aaron exclaimed
"Where'd you get that?" Shawn asked
"Hayes's backpack." I said
"You went through my stuff?" He asked
"No it was in the side pocket. And I would never go through you stuff, who knows what's in there." I said
"I'm going to go see if the other guys and Jo are up." I said walking out the door.
*Knock Knock*
"Tay you up?" I asked. Cam answered the door.
"Hey do know who's all up, Bart just called me and said we had to be there earlier than scheduled." I said
"Yeah I'll wake them up." He said
"K cool, see ya later." I said
"Bye." Cam said closing the door. I walked down the hallway to the others room. Carter answered the door.
"Hey Bart needs us early can you get everyone else up please." I asked
"Ya no problem."
"Thanks." I said and walked back to my room.
"Shit I left my key in there." I muttered.
*Knock Knock*
*Knock Knock*
Their not answering the door. I left my phone in there too. But I do have my credit card. Yes I can pick the lock. Finally I picked it open and I went in and there were the boys laughing at me.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"Did you pick that lock?" Shawn asked
"Yeah why?" I asked
"Because you picked a lock. How'd you do it?" Aaron asked
"I had my credit card and a bobby pin." I said
"Where'd you learn to do that?" Hayes said
"YouTube and Taylor." I said
"Where did Taylor learn to do it?" Shawn asked
"Well we got locked out of our house a lot so I always had a bobby pin and he always had a credit card. So we pretty much taught ourselves how to break into our own house." I explained
"Are you guys ready Bart wants to meet us early." I said changing the subject.
"Yeah let's go." Shawn said walking out the door. Hayes grabbed my hand and we made sure we had a room key and we went down to where we were meeting Bart. There was Madison Beer again. God here she comes, great.
"Hey Pooh-Bear." She said giving Hayes a hug. He didn't hug back and I let go of his hand.
"Hey Madison I have to go. Bye." He said and ran to catch up to me. He grabbed my hand and we went to see Bart.
"Okay guys so we have four shows and two meet ups in public places. So any suggestions for meet ups?" Bart said
"What about the mall, there are already tons of people there as it is." I said
"Good Shay that's one place." Bart said
"What about the lake? There's a lot of people there too." Jo said
"Okay and that's our second location you guys head to the event center and I'll meet you there." Bart said. We all got in the limo and left.

There will be a part two to this chapter
K bye

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